~[@13org] (FYR)~ [quote=Freyr][color=8dc73f]"Would you mind telling me a bit more about yourself? I couldn't help but get a bit curious... Your words... It seems like you went through quite a lot of things, just as I did, haven't you?"[/color][/quote] "[color=9e0b0f]I have. That's because I'm a daughter of the Demon Lord, a Lilim. Druella, in particular. Leader of the Demon Army's Radical faction which means I bear a lot of responsibility.[/color]" She introduced herself proudly placing a hand on her chest. Right before laughing out loud. "[color=9e0b0f]Do you really believe that, though? Meeting a child of the Demon Lord herself here of all places?[/color]" Returning to her normal posture. "[color=9e0b0f]But you're not wrong though, I've been through a lot. But this is the path I chose to walk and I don't regret it. It's grating sometimes, though. Hahaha![/color]" The dusk sun had finally set, its last rays of light fading. Slowly, the orange sky turned dark. "[color=9e0b0f]It's getting pretty late, Sir Freyr, and I'm afraid this brief respite of ours must come to an end.[/color]" From underneath the woman's cloak, majestic black wings emerged and she unfurled them to show off its dark splendor. They looked like the wings of a demon or a succubus, but much more elegant and beautiful. "[color=9e0b0f]The paths we walk are painful, Sir Freyr. But tell me, do you regret it? Do you regret leaving your forest home and seeing the outside world? If you had the chance, would you undo the events that led you to here?[/color]" [hr] ~[@Restalaan] (YNG), [@Rezod92]~ [quote=Kira Gigas][color=a187be]"Okay, long story short, George, the guy we saved from being raided, turned out to be wanted in Ambran for smuggling illegal drugs. The guy said the drugs were harmless, wasn't hurting anyone and needed the funds for the situation at Ravager's Nest. Freyr was a quite conflicted about it, but I wasn't have it and informed the local guards. After George was arrested, Freyr was still...troubled from the experience and wandered off to be alone somewhere. At least, that's what I saw before I flew off."[/color][/quote] "[color=royalblue]Well on one hand, props to locking up a criminal. On the other hand, I think he's instrumental in the effort to finally take down Ravager's Rest once and for all.[/color]" said Haley, giving [u]Kira[/u] a conflicted look. She then shrugged and sighed. "[color=royalblue]Oh well, I'm sure a man of his shady caliber can find a way.[/color]" Just as Haley finished, a group of familiar faces arrived at the guild's main entrance. "[color=lavender]Oh look, they're back.[/color]" Talia was the first to move to greet them. [hr] ~[@Stern Algorithm], [@Restalaan] (DIT), [@13org] (ADA), [@ShwiggityShwah]~ Neil chuckled at the attempts to lift his spirits back up. "Don't worry, guys. I'm not hung up on it... much. I may just be an average boy but that doesn't mean I won't do my best to help you guys and the guild." He finished by patting [u]Ada[/u] on the back to let her know that he appreciated the pat. [quote=Ozzy Skyway][color=gold]"No! This will be my 3rd outing in a row with nothing to show for! Master Bart is going to kick me out! Gah! MWwwraap..."[/color][/quote] [quote=Vivian Altissima][color=f49ac2]"If that rat was here, we'd give him the map and take our pay, but since he's not, he'll have to pay us for the original quest, as well as a 'delivery and holding fee' if he wants this map, since we went through so much trouble to get it and now we have to hold on to it for him because he abandoned us. So in a way, you wouldn't be going back empty handed! If anything, we've increased the price of this particular quest! So I say we head right back. No sense waiting around here in the cold for Forde to show up, if he even will.[/color][/quote] "Vivian's right, Ozzy. Once we give the map to Forde, whom I'm sure will come by the guild tomorrow, will get our reward and we'll charge him more for the Zombie menace we had to deal with." Neil got up and faced the road. "For now, let's just get back. I'm in dire need of a bed right now." ------ The night was already at its darkest when the party got back to the guild. Upon arrival, they were noticed by a group of familiar faces at the right side of the guild. There appeared to be some sort of construction happening at that side. Nothing remarkable could be noticed yet, only foundations for now. Talia the Cyclops was the first to come over. [hr] ~[@Restalaan] (YNG & DIT), [@Rezod92], [@Stern Algorithm], [@13org] (ADA), [@ShwiggityShwah]~ "[color=lavender]Good evening, you all.[/color]" Talia greeted the arriving party. "[color=lavender]You all look like you've been through quite the scuffle. What happened in your quest?[/color]" "It's... It's a long story." Neil said, tiredly. "I'll-I'll let the others tell it. What about you?" "[color=lavender]I spent the day building the Altissima sisters' greenhouse. Haley also helped but it's still pretty bare right now. It's going to take a while. I hope you two don't mind.[/color]" Talia's last words were for the Liliraune. "[color=lavender]Oh and we have a new guild member. Come and introduce yourself, Miss Gigas.[/color]"