It concerns me some that in reflection the lyrics from [i]Sign of the Gypsy Queen[/i], the fifth verse, containing the lines [i]"Heed the spirit that brought despair, trouble's comin' without control, no-one's stayin' that's got a hope, hurricane at the very least, in the words of the gypsy queen."[/i], were what came to me in the coming of the new year. At the time I thought little of this, of course, but this is not much different from my experiences in the past where certain things come to me. I almost cannot help but feel this was an omen and that I was fool not to pay it more mind, resigning myself instead to discounting it as paranoia at there seemingly being nothing, at the time, and that it was "too modern". Lest I forget that things will speak in a myriad of ways and methods with any tools at hand. I suppose this deserves more elaboration. When things come to me musically and when I listen to them, rarely, I post so in another topic here. However, I had already posted that song and thought it inappropriate to do so again despite them being hugely removed in time from one another.