[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200224/137f1ef03115e082ec2e15c1c3d9e2f0.png[/img][/center] For a moment, Joss was taken aback by Olivia’s coldness, wondering what in the hell could be so important that conversing with a friend would be a distraction? Of course, they normally thought such things, and shrugged it off as self-esteem issues or simply bad timing. However, it wasn’t always like that, not from what the Driver ever remembered. It seemed like within the last year or so, Olivia had become more of a reclusive, and less interested anything else but her work. “Look, you don’t have to go, it’s no bother.” Joss said in a hurry, noticing the girl across the table gathering up her papers and other supplies. “You’re not leaving already? I just got here. Well, can I at least walk you out?” The breakfast sandwich all but disappeared into their mouth at the end of the question, not wanting a missed opportunity with a friend. “Um, how about I give you a ride somewhere?” Joss took a big gulp of coffee to wash down the remaining food.