[color=Red][center][h1]Kate[/h1][/center][/color] [center] [@Liseran Thistle] [@Cotton] [@Bartimaeus] [/center] [color=Red][i]Uh, yeah... Sure thing...[/i][/color] Kate thought to herself after hearing the strange voice whisper in her ear. Alura was certainly an odd one, the photographer reflected, but she'd have to do some serious work in the weirdness department before she could hold a candle to Nykannis. And speaking of candles, no sooner had their third roommate appeared in the doorway, than a [i]fourth[/i] roommate emerged from the bathroom. A roommate that looked like a humanoid candlestick. [color=Red]"Oh, sweet! You're a Candelabra, right?"[/color] Kate asked with obvious excitement. [color=Red]"I've heard about you guys, but I've never seen one of you in person before. Say, would you mind if I took your picture?"[/color] [hr] [center][h1][color=Goldenrod]Parr[/color][/h1][/center] [center][@Zinita] [@blackdragon][/center] [color=Goldenrod]"Late for Alteration?"[/color] Parr wondered aloud.[color=Goldenrod]"But Miss Sarah, classes don't start until... Oh, bother,"[/color] he added after noticing that his red-haired roommate had already disappeared out the door. [color=Goldenrod]"Not to worry, though!"[/color] he declared, giving Mela a wink. [color=Goldenrod]"I shall simply reverse the temporal compression I performed eariler and everything shall be right as rain!"[/color] With that, Parr once again produced his hourglass-looking temporal compressor and activated it with the tap of the intricate rune at its base. And, once again, for the briefest of moments, the universe came apart at the seams. For the span of less than a thousandth of a second, anyone you asked would tell you that 1+1= Cerulean Symphony, and such an answer would seem perfectly correct. After that less-than-a-thousandth-of-a-second had passed, however, all returned to normality (whatever that word even means...), and giving such an answer would probably get you sent to a place rather like Fae Creek Academy... [color=Goldenrod]"Ah, here we are, then!"[/color] Parr announced. [color=Goldenrod]"One full day into the future! Come along Miss Mela! We mustn't be late for our first class!"[/color]