[hider=Saber] [center] [h2]Saber[/h2] [img]https://static.zerochan.net/Saber.%28Sigurd%29.full.2357120.jpg[/img] [h3][color=a4e5ea]"This one will not fall. Nor will I show my back to the enemy."[/color][/h3] [/center][table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][color=D6D6D6]Servant Profile[/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=819FB2][color=D6D6D6][b]True-Name:[/b] [/color]Sigurd [color=D6D6D6][b]Aliases:[/b][/color] King of Warriors [color=D6D6D6][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=D6D6D6][b]Attribute:[/b][/color] Earth[/color] [hider=Legend][color=D6D6D6][b]Era:[/b] Age of Gods[/color] [color=D6D6D6][b]Alignment:[/b][/color] Neutral Good [color=D6D6D6][b]Qualified Classes:[/b][/color] Saber, Rider, Caster [color=D6D6D6][b]Character Objectives:[/b][/color] To serve his Master. To face the other heroes. If it were possible, and not too much trouble, to meet with his wife again.[/hider][/cell] [cell][h3][color=D6D6D6]Regend[/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=819FB2][color=D6D6D6][b]Type:[/b][/color] Myth [color=D6D6D6][b]Source:[/b][/color] Völsunga Saga [color=D6D6D6][b]Region:[/b][/color] Northern Europe [color=D6D6D6][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] Sword, Daggers [color=D6D6D6][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [hider=Explain here] Dude runs around with a haircut like an early 2001 businessman. He's got like military fatigues, and then he's got floating spikes around him, and gundum arms, and a gasmask, and his sword is like a lightsaber but then it gets like bandages and then it wraps around the handle with the blade, and when he attacks he throws it like knives, and etc. [/hider][/color][/cell][/row][/table] [table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][color=D6D6D6]Stats[/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=819FB2][color=D6D6D6][b]Endurance:[/b][/color] A+ [color=D6D6D6][b]Strength:[/b][/color] A+ [color=D6D6D6][b]Agility:[/b][/color] B [color=D6D6D6][b]Mana:[/b][/color] C [color=D6D6D6][b]Luck:[/b][/color] E [color=D6D6D6][b]NP:[/b][/color] A++ [/color][/cell] [cell] [h3][color=D6D6D6]Abilities[/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=819FB2][hider=Class Skis] Magic Resistance A: Grants protection against magecraft. Rather than simply enduring the effects, the spells themselves are negated, even if Saber is not the only target. Unfriendly spells of A-Rank of below affecting Saber will be cancelled, no matter what [i]High-Thaumaturgy[/i] they might be. Riding A: Talent for piloting vehicles and mounts. In Saber's case, it's not an issue even if it's an animal from a foreign land or technology that didn't exist during his time. The only exceptions are [i]Phantasmal Beasts[/i] and [i]Divine Beasts[/i]. [/hider] [hider=Personal Skills] Divinity B: Measure of one's Divine Spirit aptitude, generally as a result of having a god as an ancestor. In Saber's case, the blood of Odin runs through his veins. This Skill has no real function on its own, simply serving as a quality that may become an advantage or disadvantage in terms of compatibility against different opponents. Primordial Rune (Warrior) B: The Magic Crest of Northern Europe which Saber possesses, having been taught to him by Brynhildr. His talent is great enough to allow summoning as a Caster, but it is still possible to make use of them as a Saber. Various powerful effects can be applied (Clairvoyance, disguises, Magic Resistance, raising parameters), but not simultaneously. Dragon Kind Modification EX: An extreme form of Self-Modification, causing Saber to take on draconic qualities due to having eaten a dragon's heart. The mana reactor of a dragon has taken form inside his body, allowing Saber to take action with almost no dependence on his Master's energy supply. Crystallization of Wisdom A: The result of eating a dragon's heart. In the myth, it was simply said that Saber was afterwards able to learn secrets by understanding birdsong. In this case, that wisdom has manifested as a pair of glasses (or an intimidating gas mask!) By wearing them, an incredible wealth of information and processing power becomes available. The glasses can even be given to another person, and they would be capable of using them in the same way, though they would suffer a splitting headache. In regards to concerns that a simple pair of glasses could easily be shattered in combat, Saber offers his assurance that as crystallized wisdom, they won't stop shining as long as he doesn't devolve into a mindless beast. [/hider] [hider=Noble Phantasm]What are they? [/hider] [hider=Gram] [i]Dawn of Ruin[/i] Rank: A NP Type: Anti-Unit Range: 1 Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person Description: The "Sword of the Sun" wielded by Sigurd, originally an enchanted "sword of selection" pulled from the trunk of a mighty tree by Sigurd's father, Sigmund. Later, it shattered from clashing against Gungnir and was reforged by Sigurd into a cursed demonic blade that was capable of killing even a dragon. After that, it became renowned as a "demonic sword of both glory and ruin." It is said to be the strongest demonic sword that can only be equaled to the strongest holy sword Excalibur, and it possesses the special characteristic of "dragon slayer", though its power is normally only unleashed as a blow against a single individual. Since Sigurd carries the reforged version of Gram, it takes on a crystalline appearance that might those attempting to identify it if they are more familiar with its original state, and has a broken fragment attacked to the opposite end of the hilt to serve as a second blade, as well as smaller fragments being made into four daggers. [/hider] [hider=Bölverk Gram] [i]Heaven's Wheel of Destruction[/i] Rank: A+ NP Type: Anti-Fortress Range: 1~50 Maximum Number of Targets: 1~900 people Description: The most effective way to utilize Gram, according to Sigurd himself. The demonic sword is thrown, scattering destructive flames as it pierces the target. If this first step of the technique can be landed successfully, Sigurd will follow up by driving his fist into the hilt. In this way the power unleashed is equivalent to an anti-fortress attack. [/hider] [/color] [/cell][/row][/table] [color=819FB2] [center][color=D6D6D6][h2][b]Personality[/b][/h2][/color][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] A fearless and prideful hero who shows respect to even his enemies, being harsher on himself than on anyone else, not wanting to ever show an opponent his back. Sigurd is incredibly square-toed and ultra-stubborn, to the point where forcing unwanted instructions on him by command spells would be extremely difficult. He is technically a rational person, as he fulfilled his purpose of avenging his father not by affection but from his sense of duty to his family. Slightly blunt to everyone, it's almost impossible for him to show affection, at least on the outside. But if he chose to protect someone without regards of his own safety, that would be the greatest sign of trust or care he could offer. Expressing no emotion whatsoever even in dire situations, being shown to be stoic as he kept fighting without knowing the love of his mother, father, and foster-father while he took action, taking into account necessity and fairness of the situation at hand to avoid terrible outcomes and benefit everyone with or without their approval. In other words, he does not 'grant wishes' in the way that his counterpart does, but rather assesses for himself what should be done as a hero, with the personal requests of various people being a secondary concern. Regardless of what kind of person Sigurd's Master is, if they are not evil and he finds them worthy of his trust, there will be no difficulty in communication between them and he will carry out their commands efficiently. He is the type of hero not particularly invested in his second life, not having a burning desire for the Holy Grail and being content to serve a Master and simply carry out his role as a hero and a warrior. However, if he were able to make a wish on the grail, it would most likely be for a reunion with his love. [center][color=D6D6D6][h2][b]Background[/b][/h2][/color][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] Sigurd is known as the Greatest Hero of Northern Europe, a knight equal to King Arthur. As they're quite similar, it's easy to confuse him with Siegfried, but they are different Heroic Spirits. The posthumous child of Hjördís, and King Sigmund of Frakkland who fell in battle against Odin, shattering Gram into fragments with his spear Gungnir. He was sent by King Alf who married his mother to be raised by his blacksmith and teacher, the Dwarf Regin as his foster-father. He personally revived the sword Gram, "the sword of supremacy in the tree", reforging it anew into a demonic sword that was capable of killing even a dragon, becoming renowned as a demonic sword of both ruin and glory. He soon became the everlasting friend of Grani, a descendant of Sleipnir, who became his steed. Sigurd avenged his father by defeating the armies that joined King Hunding, soon becoming a renowned military man of valor and then a dragonslayer by slaying the dragon Fafnir. Once he devoured its heart and gained the wisdom to understand many things, he became aware of his foster-father's desire to take the dragon's treasure for himself, beheading Regin for his attempted betrayal. Later in his life, he rode forth to the top of the summit on Mt. Hindarfjall, an inhuman devil-cave where the Valkyrie Brynhildr slept in a circle of fire. Bravely riding through the flame with his steed to reach her, he cut off her mythril armor with Gram. From that act she awakened from her long sleep, and questioned Sigurd's reasons, as he must have known of the prophecy from his uncle, which said that if both of them were to meet each other, ruin would befall them. He confirmed that he knew of it and yet was still doing what needed to be done. Sigurd's reasoning was that he was a cold man with no need for emotions, and the prophecy would be broken if he simply saved her and did not love her. Brynhildr felt glad, but at the same time she felt sadness at knowing he would not love her. Unfortunately, Sigurd had fallen in love with her at first sight, giving her a smile that stole her heart. He then proposed to her, taking her as his wife. After their honeymoon, she taught him the original runes she had learnt from her father Odin. As time went on, he left her to continue his hero's journey until his return. Sometime during his journey, he had been tricked to drink a special alcohol which was made by Gudrun to have Sigurd forget Brynhildr, so that he may marry her. Gunnar, Gudrun's brother also desired to marry Brynhildr, so he and Sigurd rode off to meet with her, yet she still loved Sigurd and said only the one who passes the trials shall gain her hand in marriage. Gunnar knew he could not do it, so he had asked Sigurd for aid. The one she loved the most in the world; disguising himself with runes in the guise of his brother-in-law's shape. Sigurd rode forth with his steed Grani, proposing to her again in the guise of his brother-in-law, however Brynhildr knew it was Sigurd. Challenging him into a fight, although this was sophistry as Sigurd was already much stronger than her. As a result, he won the fight from the combat skills she provided to him from their time together, presenting her as his brother-in-law's wife. Although she initially accepted the events as her immutable fate, she eventually raised her own hand against her beloved one, killing him by slicing him in half while his family and all of his followers were killed as well through a conspiracy as she took her own life to follow after him into the afterlife. [/color] [/hider]