[@banjoanjo][@Opposition][@sassy1085][@Ambra][@Exit][@OwO][@HereComesTheSnow][@Crowvette][@Mercenary Lord][@Anakin][@DJAtomika] Thus far, here's how things are looking in terms of the group-glue. I feel like the majority hasn't voted yet, but hey, we've got time. Sharehouse: 3 Program: Shift Buddies: 2 Club: 3 Vigilantes: 1 Cultists: Love Polygon: 2 For those of you who haven't been around from the first page, please answer the following two questions. How many of you wanna go right out of the gate having already encountered Lostman and/or having been involved in some incident before? To clarify, any power granted to you will either change yourself (suddenly becoming incredibly eye-catching and attractive even though you look like a trash gremlin) or change the world (setting things on fire via an exertion of your will), and there are equivalent and opposing repercussions for doing so (you lose memories of your real friends, your body temperature drops). What do you most enjoy in RPs? Winning in brutal combat? Piecing together mysteries? etc. Try to pick one, ye? And here's the Initial CS Template as well, in case it was missed. There will be a slightly bigger version of it popping up once I make the OOC and the Discord, but that's not going to happen until next week. [hider=Character Sheet] [Character Image] [b]Name [/b]Last Name, First Name [b]Facade[/b] The biometrics of your character, their outward personality, as well as miscellaneous information that pertains to stuff such as their habits, hobbies, quirks, and backstory. Think of it as the level of information you'd be able to get on a first impression, or as friendly acquaintances. [b]Core[/b] What reason do they have for pursuing the unnatural happenings that normal people know to avoid? You can be as vague as you'd like; I just want some indication that you've thought about it. [/hider] The RP will still be running with a group of 4 to 6. Seeing how there's an excess of 11 of you, I will probably be cutting out some. If I feel like strapping on my jetpack for a ride into Hell, I might bump up the maximum number to 8. Unlikely, but maybe. [b]Regardless, I will be closing sign-ups at 11:59 PM PST, Sunday.[/b] Get your sheets in before then, alright?