[center][hider=Aw Rats][center] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/2909/160eadf4ba043773a84138464cc312b4664e6ca6.jpg?3030387[/img] Swarm's Always Spreading, Consuming, Thriving [/center][table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][color=D6D6D6]Magus Profile[/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=819FB2][color=D6D6D6][b]Full-Name:[/b] [/color] Aslaug Vindholm [color=D6D6D6][b]Aliases:[/b][/color] Vermin Princess, Master of the Swarm, Rat Girl [color=D6D6D6][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=D6D6D6][b]Age:[/b][/color] 24 [/color] [hider=Heritage][color=D6D6D6][b]Crest:[/b] 600 Years [/color] [color=D6D6D6][b]Family:[/b][/color] Vindholm [color=D6D6D6][b]Species:[/b][/color] Human [color=D6D6D6][b]Specialties:[/b][/color] Animal Handling, Enchantment [color=D6D6D6][b]Character Objectives:[/b][/color] To grow her swarm of vermin even further and consume all those who condem Vermin[/hider][/cell] [cell][h3][color=D6D6D6]Regend[/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=819FB2][color=D6D6D6][b]Country:[/b][/color] Norway [color=D6D6D6][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] Norwegian [color=D6D6D6][b]Affiliations:[/b][/color] N/A [color=D6D6D6][b]Rank:[/b][/color] [color=D6D6D6][b]Alignment:[/b][/color] Chaotic Neutral [hider=Explain here] Aslaug has no need for the normal rules of the world, all she focusses on is herself and her swarm of vermin, she's not a detriment on anyone, but when it comes down to anyone else or herself, she will do whatever she can to benefit herself and her swarm, after all, she's only loyal to them. [/hider][/color][/cell][/row][/table] [table][row][/row][row][cell][h3][color=D6D6D6]Stats[/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=819FB2][color=D6D6D6][b]Magic Circuit Switch:[/b][/color] The Sound of Scratching [color=D6D6D6][b]Number of Magic Circuits:[/b][/color] A [color=D6D6D6][b]Quality of Magic Circuits:[/b][/color] B [color=D6D6D6][b]Mana:[/b][/color] B [color=D6D6D6][b]Elemental Affinity:[/b][/color] Earth [color=D6D6D6][b]Origin:[/b][/color] Infestation [/color][/cell] [cell] [h3][color=D6D6D6]Abilities[/color][/h3][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [color=819FB2][hider=General Magecraft]Aslaug shunned general learnings for quite some time but has a pretty basic understanding of it all, even though she herself practices it rarely as she finds it all rather unnecessary. Aside from the basics she's quite well versed in energy transference, healing magics and minor enchantments[/hider] [hider=Personal Magecraft] The Swarm, the specialty of Aslaug and a tradition passed down throughout her family. Her own magic is focussed upon controlling masses of vermin, able to enchant and charm those lesser mammals to carry out her bidding, as well as to reproduce and scatter themselves. This family magecraft is focussed on using her magic to help spread the crop destruction power of vermin, but for her it serves the purpose of the mighty aswarm to expand its ranks. She also is able to cast some spells through her vermin that are enchanted by her magecraft, overflowing them with mana to turn them into small bombs or even using them to create boundary fields. Her usual choice of vermin is usually, but not limited to, rats, weasels, ferrets, opossums, foxes and raccoons, the larger the animal the harder they are to control and operate with. Alchemy of body enhancing drugs is also something she's quite trained in, though she isn't as skilled as she is with her "Swarm Magecraft" her alchemy is special in that she focusses on making vermin especially stronger and agile, as well as concocting potions that can cloud the judgment of those that drink it, although she doesn't like using her potions for the likes of humans, she will if the need calls for it. She also indulges in creating potions that can give someone animalistic senses and traits that could turn one feral and slightly stronger, but only serving for her to quell lowly humans that dare disrespect the mighty vermin.[/hider] [hider=Mystic Codes] Freya's Face - An Amulet that has been passed down since what many believe to be the first head of the Vindholm family, this amulet is said to be imbued with a blessing from the Goddess of Fertility herself and was seemingly a gift to the founder of the family, Briggite Vindholm. This amulet not only allows Aslaug to increase the fertility of the vermin she calls upon, but also allows her to accelerate the incubation and growth of the vermin, of course if she doesn't disable it the swarm will grow old and develop too quickly, but the virility of their ranks would never die down. Abomination Membrane - Forbidden from most of the family, only Aslaug was able to get her hands on it, a great mass of what appears to only be flesh and muscle but really the Abomination Membrane's power lays within its ability to affect others. Taking a small piece of the membrane and inserting it into another vermin with the use of her medical equipment, Aslaug can shift the shape and body of the vermin, creating winged rats and large bulky raccoons, although she cannot create that many at a time if she really focussed mana into the membrane, as a last-ditch effort she can use it to consume a bunch of vermin into it's mass, creating an unholy abomination of a creature that would rival that of a Monstrous Creature. [/hider] [/color] [/cell][/row][/table] [color=819FB2] [center][color=D6D6D6][h2][b]Personality[/b][/h2][/color][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] Although she has a lot to live up to, and she appears put together and composed, the truth is that Aslaug's perception of the world is slightly skewed. Putting up with humans is easy but being sincere and nice to one of her peers that look down upon vermin will immediately make her sour and dramatic towards the, as she loves to lecture people on the ways humans look down upon vermin and how vermin are adorable and will outlast humanity. Always obsessing over survival, Aslaug is obsessed with weird tasting foods always searching out a new delicacy to share with not only herself but her vermin as well, she would never call them pets. In her eyes, she and the vermin have a mutual symbiotic bond, one that dictates that if she helps them they will, in turn, be loyal to her forever, something that is simply not true but she is sure that one day she will find herself the chosen one of the vermin, also not true. Shiny objects are also, something she adores and collects, knowing that the Swarm will likely also enjoy it. [center][color=D6D6D6][h2][b]Background[/b][/h2][/color][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] 600 years ago, when they were founded, the Vindholm family practiced magic for one goa, animal husbandry, and healing, embracing alchemy to find potions to keep them alive during harsh winters. Their magic was quite impressive and made many others jealous of their prowess at handling their farms for so many years without ever a bad season with their cattle and crops, using their magic to soften and fertilize the soil was also one of their old traditions. Their magecraft was all used in the service of their Goddess Freya, the Norse god of Fertility. The Vindholm's served her in hopes of increasing their crop and cattle output which it did for many years. It was only 400 years ago that the magecraft took a turn and much more vermin-specific traits and traditions began to show. Another family of Magus, the Halvosens, began ruling the markets that they were always selling at, soon beginning to experience the first bad harvest in 200 years. The Vindholm's swore revenge on the opposing family and any others who were outselling them at the market and forcing them into near poverty, so the heir at the time brought them into a new era, The Vermin Era. The original intention of breeding and creating vermin were not to serve them and their expansion, but rather to use them to destroy crops of opposing families. This tradition, as well as their farming methods, were passed down for generations, however, the idea of a Vermin Deity that oversaw the Vindholm's was commented in the family's history even though no such deity existed. This idea of a deity was eventually what led towards the corruption of the modern heir, Aslaug Vindholm. Named such for the family's hope of once again receiving Freya's blessing, Freya's mother hailed from the Vindholm's whilst her father came from a powerful Alchemy family from Germany, their union was political and for a powerful heir, but in the end, the two began to love each other and raised Aslaug in a household of love and attention. Young Aslaug was an impressive young magus and her parents knew she had to learn all the tricks of the trade, their mistake was teaching her the vermin control technique so early. The 8-year-old was obsessed with the cute little fluffy animals and never focussed on actually breeding cattle or how good soil could be and what a good harvest could bring. Her grandparents decided that the best way to rid her of such delusions was to tell her horror stories of the Great vermin Deity that would see her as fuel for the Swarm. As it turned out, that technique backfired. Aslaug became obsessed with pleasing such a vermin deity, believing that a union between it and Freya would bring a Golden Age of Union between people and vermin. Her parents reluctantly indulged such delusions, knowing that having such a promising heir go AWOL would not look good to the Vindholm name. So she grew up and attended the Clocktower, before returning to the Norwegian homestead, finding new ways to increase her craft, one the family finally began to support, realizing just how good it would be when used against opposing magus families. So when the opportunity to bring a New Age of the Swarm came about in the form of the Grail War, Aslaug packed her things, got together a small group of vermin, two raccoons, two opossums, 10 rats, and set out. [center][color=D6D6D6][h2][b]Miscellaneous [/b][/h2][/color][color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] Aslaug's command seal is three rough broken shards, all jagged and breaking off from the center of the back of her hand. [/color][/hider] [/center]