[center][h2] Hayden Twilight [/h2][/center] I hear the voice of Zar'kun in my head, and I give him a slight touch back. [i]"Follow me."[/i] [center][h2] Jakito Twilight [/h2][/center] "We're almost to the end. There are only so many places Sucal can hide that big ass space sation. Once we're ready, we'll come back and finish this!" I press a couple buttons on the console. "Calculate the jump to... Hoth, how about? Our last secret base is there. Plus, it's close to Belsavis, so Jerus and Salazar can meet us there quickly enough." [center][h2] Becca Twilight [/h2][/center] I lean into the mic. "Hunter, get Korré and her son to Dantooine. You know the codes to the compound. Keep here there with defenses on high alert until we return." [center][h2] Hunter Twilight [/h2][/center] "You can count on me!" I punch in the coordinates for Dantooine. "See you guys when this is all over!"