Mission begin! From here on out, players are free to proceed with steady progress initially. Consider this a "partial sandbox" moment of the roleplay; you are welcome to detail buildings, locations, etc that you proceed to, depending on how you as a team (or individual) wish to proceed. The only stipulations are that, of course, you cannot simply blow through the whole city and reach the end. Take it in steps. The other stipulation is that I will be progressively introducing enemies and more details to what you decide to proceed with. For this reason, I actually [i]expect[/i] player posts to be shorter than usual, as it will be easier and quicker for me to throw in GM posts between player posts. Don't be afraid to post more rapidly, if you want to input something (that is, no need to maintain a posting order, or one post per entire group post, etc). This will be just short of a collab post, which I [i]don't[/i] want to do with so many players in the same space. If people split up, we can more easily do a collab post. [@ianzerep] Don't sweat not posting in time. I understand that limitation.