[color=f49ac2]“Don’t buy it?”[/color] Iris laughed as he played back with her, she saw both their drinks were now empty and she gave a polite wave to Martin asking to refill them. [color=f49ac2]“I doubt you’d be able to keep your hands off of me~”[/color] Giggling as she looked over at Caspain, regardless of her ulterior motive she was finding this quite fun. Winding him up and teasing him a little was cheering her up to some degree plus he was smiling so she could only assume he was having fun too. Feeling her cheeks flush as she saw his sly wink, she felt herself smirk at him, as if ready for the challenge. [color=f49ac2]“We won’t be out for long though; it would literally take about five minutes. It wouldn’t be dangerous at all, not with the military hunting them down. They’d hardly be looking to harm you when they are running for their lives.”[/color] Iris began to relax some more when Martin brought over another set of drinks, at least this was calming her down and taking the edge off of everything. Clasping the glass, she began to nurse the new drink taking a few sips as she glanced over at Cas smiling. [color=f49ac2]Unless I really do charm him, alcohol and charming might just convince him? I wish I felt guilty for it, but… I really do like him. Sorry Ethan.[/color] [color=f49ac2]“Although… you are right in one respect.”[/color] Iris chuckled softly as she placed her drink down leaning over the table and clasping his hand in hers, fingers caressing the skin on his hand. [color=f49ac2]“I wouldn’t be able to suffer, just as you wouldn’t from withholding contact.”[/color] Speaking softly as she gave him a genuine smile, eyes looking at him with adoration. Using her other hand, she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear before twiddling the ends of it between her fingers as she looked over at Cas watching him. Her cheeks were still tinged pink slightly as she was being quite forward, more than she had been before and a part of her was slightly embarrassed. Although another part of her was excited, it made her feel quite hot under the collar and she couldn’t help it because there were feelings for him and of course he was attractive. Any girl in the city would have swooned over him in an instant. One of her fingers began to trace circles on the palm of his hand, slower this time. Her touch so gentle, so soft as she looked at him in the eyes smiling. Watching his every move as she continued to trace circles on his hand, [color=f49ac2]“I’m sure it won’t be dangerous. We will be so quick, it’s just a quick glance to see if it’s there. There is really no danger.”[/color] Speaking softly as she stopped playing with the end of her hair and instead reached out to her drink to take another sip, she was still taking it slow but it was going down faster than last time when she had taste tested a few samples.