[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/h1] [img]https://d3m2ca683sarz5.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/20092136/icarly-miranda-cosgrove-shocked-main.jpg[/img] [I][color=limegreen]Location: Galactus' Ship (team 2) (Central room) Skills: Transmutation [hr][hr][/color][/I] [/center] As they entered the room, Elizabeth saw that this Surfer dude was seriously wrecking their shit. Needless to say, things weren't going according to plan, especially given that their speedster was knocked out of commission by having his feet turned to literal stone. That pissed her off more than anything, changing matter around was supposed to be her thing, and the Surfer stealing that felt like borderline copyright infringement. Rushing up to the man, she said, "[color=limegreen]Hey! let me show you how it's done![/color]" She said, as she put her hand out, and tried to turn the Silver Surfer into the [i]Iron[/i] Surfer. As a ripple pulsed through the man, she tried harder, and a grin broke out as she saw his form shift, but her expression turned to anger as he fixed himself. "[color=limegreen]Ugh, fine. Be like that.[/color]" She said, upset at her failure. Backing away from the Surfer, and over to Pietro. If she couldn't decommission the Surfer, maybe she could at least fix Quicksilver's feet. She figured that, if the Silver Surfer could do it, why couldn't she? Resting a hand on his feet, said, "[color=limegreen]I'm gonna be straight with you, I've never tried to turn anything to human flesh before, so uh... science time.[/color]" And with that, she gripped hard, and to her surprise, the stone melted away, leaving Pietro with two normal feet again. "[color=limegreen]There we go, now get that Nullifer. I don't think this is a fight we can win.[/color]" She said seriously, looking back towards the Surfer.