Rohaan sighed exasperatedly. She wasn't listening to him and didn't seem inclined to stop her tunneling into the fortress, which, he knew, would lead to her death. Or worse. He didn't know and could hardly hope that this was who he was looking for, but he still didn't want to see someone just walk into their death. He was a practical man and would snuff out the life of a soldier or anyone else who threatened him in the blink of an eye, but that didn't mean he wished harm on everyone. He could feel a spike of anxiety flashing through his gut, for every minute he stood here was another minute his mark either disappeared further or was closer to death. He'd staked a lot on this whole stupid deal, which he was regretting now. He tried to remind himself that bringing her body still counted as a success according to the terms, so that eased some of his fears. Some. She blew him off curtly, and he was about to shout in exasperation when she turned and faced him full on. Those eyes were just like Valdemar's, and he realized with a mixture of relief and a new, different panic that he actually had found his mark. The further in there she got, the deeper shit he'd get himself in just to try and extract her. He couldn't let her go. He though briefly about just tackling her, turning into a bear or a jaguar or something heavy and just pinning her down, but he definitely made note of the hand that stayed behind her back. Rohaan was an experienced man, and he knew that meant she was armed. Even if he could get her to listen to him, she'd easily get one good stab in before he'd managed it, and he [I]really[/I] didn't want to get stabbed. No, force was a bad plan. He had to say something to catch her attention, and fast. "Asharavasti!" He cried, a little more confidence seeping into his tone. He gave that a second to sink in. "Yes, I know who you are. And you [I]are[/I] the person I'm looking for. You don't know me, but I've been sent to find you." He held up his hands. "Before you pull out that knife or whatever it is you've got on me, I'm not here to hurt you. Very much the opposite. I can't explain it all right now, but we have [I]a lot[/I] to talk about, but if you go in there, I'll be forced to stop you. You have no idea how many lives hinge on my mission, on you." Rohaan came a little closer, though he still kept his distance and his hood up. If she got a glimpse of his eyes, she'd probably refuse to do anything but run or stab him. So, feeling desperate and more than a little stupid, he sighed and offered, "Look, I get why you want to go in there. You want to help your people." He didn't really know, but it was a decent enough guess, and he was grasping at straws. "If anyone in the world gets that, it's me. And I..." Another deep sigh. What had he gotten himself into? "I can help you, I'm a man of many talents, but you have to promise me, to swear to me by the moon and the stars that when I tell you how I can help you, you won't run, and that after I help you, you'll talk to me and really hear me out. We need to talk, that's all I want. Deal?" He wasn't about to tell her that if she refused the deal, he'd drag her back to Last Vigil if it was the last thing he did. He needed her to not see him as a threat.