[Center][color=A290F5][H1]Felix Jones — MY-1801-FJ[/H1][/color][/Center] The boy huddled closer to his friend even as they waved to the newcomer. It looked like his friend planned on trying to communicate and the boy briefly reconsidered his plan to avoid contact. [i]He wanted to help his friend so maybe stepping up would be a good idea? Then again talking to new people was scary and if neither the boy nor his new friend knew what was going on, what were the chances that the newcomer would? But what if he could get answers for his friend, would that make them happy?[/i] The boy’s head began to spin as he debated with himself the merits of talking or remaining silent, until he was snapped out of his head by a sudden shrieking noise from above, lasting just moments before the hallway was plunged into silence and darkness. The boy reached to grip the hand resting upon his shoulder, clinging to it as though his friend might just disappear if he let go, which given how dark it now was didn’t seem entirely outside the realm of possibility. Up until now the boy hadn’t been particularly worried about the circumstances he’d woken up to. He hadn’t found anything strange about his environment, save for the lighting, and even then he’d chalked that up to some kind of malfunction. The lack of memories was frustrating, but even with it, everything had felt familiar to the boy. Yet as a strange thrumming noise began to build up from somewhere within the darkness, a sound wholly unfamiliar to the boy, fear and doubts finally began to creep into the boy’s mind. Finally, the sound died down and with its departure the lights switched back on, this time bathing the hallway in a dull yellow light, still a far cry away from how the boy felt it was supposed to look but certainly much closer than it had been before. The boy noticed the newcomer was holding something that he didn’t think she had been before, but before he could examine the object his attention was instead drawn to the sound of a speaker crackling to life. A voice echoed from the speaker, making two announcements each repeated once over, providing some semblance of explanation and a set of instructions respectively. Even if the announcement had failed to answer any of his questions, they had helped to ease the doubts forming in the boy’s mind. Tugging on his friend's arm, the boy pointed down the hallway in the direction he guessed the canteen might be. [color=A290F5]“We should go find the canteen”[/color], he said, speaking softly. He couldn’t quite remember why but he felt that he was supposed to listen to the voices over the speaker. [@Bartimaeus][@AelitaJezebelle]