[center][h3]~ Amalril Forest ~[/h3][/center] [center][i]Interacted with:[/i] [@Krayzikk][/center] [quote=Sieglinde Driessen][color=darkgoldenrod]"This is nothing like home for me. All of [i]my[/i] trees were evergreens, the whole forest was different. When I came south for the first time I was astonished. I couldn't understand the warmth, the sun, how many colors could be found in nature. That was a couple years ago, now, but I still love to see new places. I think it drives Tristram a little nuts how excited I get."[/color][/quote] "[color=mediumpurple]It's like a whole different world, isn't it?[/color]" Jane could give this one to [u]Sieglinde[/u]. Nothing sensitive was being broached here. Save for the first questions which she was trying to avoid. "[color=mediumpurple]Head into somewhere far enough and everything's different. The people, the buildings, the customs, all that. My homeland may be similar to here but I noticed all the differences.[/color]" "[color=mediumpurple]I'm glad you're enjoying your stay here, Sieglinde.[/color]" Jane finished. "[color=mediumpurple]Do you miss your home, though?[/color]" Rose certainly did. But there was no way she could return there and even if she did, it would not be the same. She would never enjoy Thaln like she did before. However, that was Rose's story. One that Jane would take to the grave as much as possible. Meanwhile, Jane did not miss her cruel homeland at all. She was glad to be away from there.