The feeling of Iris’s lips moving against his sent a shiver of pleasure down Caspian’s spine. Everything was still so new that each little touch was electrifying. Her hand that was resting on his and her fingers that were tangled in his coarse hair encouraged him to lean more deeply into the kiss, and he lost himself in the moment. He took her by the waist to pull her close, relishing the warmth of her torso against his. After just two drinks, he was far from intoxicated, but there had been just enough scotch in each glass to make him relax enough to forget that they had an audience. Behind the bar, Martin had been cleaning their empty glasses when he noticed that things had grown heated between the prince and his company. He glanced up, jumped, and quickly spun around to look away from them while he wiped the crystal down with a dry rag. It wasn’t the first time Caspian had brought girls back to the Maydestone family’s in-house bar, but he didn’t usually move that quickly with his guests. The bartender wasn’t used to bearing witness to his future king make out with someone like a hormonal high school boy. If he hadn’t been the one to personally pour their drinks that evening, he would have thought the two were drunk. For Cas’s part, he felt drunk, but not on alcohol. When Iris pulled away from the kiss, he panted to catch his breath and laughed breathily at her belated confirmation that she would kiss him. [color=#b97703]“Good,”[/color] he murmured just before she captured his lips a second time. He squeezed her hand affectionately before disentangling their fingers so he could caress the back of her neck while he held her close with his other hand. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d connected with a woman as well as he did with her. Everything she said and did enchanted him, and he was falling for her dangerously fast. It was difficult for him to slow down when being with her felt so natural. He loved talking with her, bantering, teasing, sharing stories; and he loved when she let him get a little physical. Caught up in moment, he leaned more of his weight into her without breaking the kiss until they both fell sideways onto the booth seat. After enjoying her soft lips for a little while longer, he took her bottom lip playfully between his teeth and then pulled back just enough to meet her gaze with a grin. [color=#b97703]“I knew you were bluffing,”[/color] he chuckled, his chest heaving with effort to recover from the lack of oxygen. [color=#b97703]“You couldn’t wait until tomorrow either.”[/color] Recognizing that he was pushing the line a bit more than he’d meant to, he sat up straight again and ran a hand over his hair to smooth down some of the tousling she had done to it. Part of his shirt had also come untucked from his waistband too, so he pulled the rest of it loose to be more comfortable. [color=#b97703]“We should probably get some sleep,”[/color] he decided, turning back to her with a sheepish smile. [color=#b97703]“Tomorrow could be a long day.”[/color]