[h1][color=CAFFD1]Lucy Selene[/color] | Thea Masters[/h1] [hider]Lucy tilted her head to the side, somehow perplexed by the question. [color=CAFFD1]"I'm, uh..."[/color] She started, her gaze drifting down to the body on the floor before suddenly floating back up again. [color=CAFFD1]"I'm Lucy?"[/color] She caught on to the fact that the black-haired woman was looking at Lunasa, who had elected not to respond, simply staring back as she flapped in place. [color=CAFFD1]"Oh,"[/color] Lucy continued, with a bit more energy. [color=CAFFD1]"That's Luna... Lunasa, actually."[/color] The moth made a weird clicking sound that Lucy decided was one of approval. "Are you unable to speak, spirit? Are you bound to this human through contract?" Amber asked. Thea tensed in her seat, she had a feeling the moth was a spirit. It was far too large, and she was pretty sure moths didn't hover around people like pets. "They must be, right?" Thea said. "It's probably the only reason she's still alive. She isn't with those bugs at least, that's clear from her wounds, isn't it?" "That is not sufficient enough for me to trust them." Amber glared at the moth, then to Lucy. "What do you know about the circumstances outside of this school, of these hostile spirits?" [color=CAFFD1]"Uh, nothing?"[/color] Lucy responded, unsure of what these two wanted. She wanted to come up with something a bit snappier, but the words didn't want to come to her. [color=66FF99][i]"I'm afraid Lucy is correct,"[/i][/color] Lunasa finally said. [color=66FF99][i]"I don't know anything about these Spirits either. I was hoping to check outside, before we ran into the two of you."[/i][/color] It felt like Lunasa was doing that Spirit telepathy thing, but to everyone else, too? Lucy didn't know she could do that. Amber closed and opened its hands, they cracked with a sound that was ever so slightly off, "Fine." It produced a syringe seemingly from a pouch it kept strapped to its lower back. "If you wish to stop... Bleeding, then use this, any injection site will work." Thea looked a bit confused, she'd never seen Amber give a syringe to someone, it had always used them its self. [color=CAFFD1]"Oh, neat,"[/color] Lucy said, taking the syringe in her hand. [color=CAFFD1]"Uh, thanks."[/color] She was no stranger to needles, and found the tip quickly drifting above her arm. [color=66FF99][i]"You don't know what's in that, are you sure this is a good idea?"[/i][/color] Lunasa asked, floating closer to her Medium. [color=CAFFD1]"It's not like I have that much to lose."[/color] Lucy responded. [color=CAFFD1]"I think..."[/color] She took a deep breath and injected the syringe into her arm. [color=CAFFD1]"So this is like some sort of Spirit magic, right?"[/color] Lucy asked. [color=CAFFD1]"Is this gonna take a few minutes or-"[/color] She stopped speaking as she noticed that the pain she was trying to ignore was quickly fading, and stared in awe as her wounds began to mend themselves. She even began feeling more alert again. [color=CAFFD1]"So that was pretty cool,"[/color] The Medium said finally. [color=CAFFD1]"So you two are, uh, like us, then? A Spirit and a Medium?"[/color] "I'm Thea, this is Amber, and uhm-" Amber stepped in front of her and cut her off. "This human is bound to me. I will agree to ally with you, however her well being supersedes yours. As for the extent of our abilities, I see no reason to share that information with you." Amber picked the man up as if he were a tote bag and walked into a room in the hall. Thea looked to Lucy. "I'm sorry about her, she can be a little prickly. She cares though... At least I think she does, she's not the easiest person to read as you can see." [color=CAFFD1]"Luna's basically the same way, honestly."[/color] Lucy admitted, making sure not to pay the moth any attention in case she would take it as an invitation to respond. She watched as Amber carried the man around, beginning to realize how odd it was now that she didn't have a giant stab wound to focus on. [color=CAFFD1]"So what's the deal with the guy?"[/color] She asked Thea, a raised eyebrow hidden behind her mask. "I think he's school staff, I didn't really get the chance to ask him anything before he uh, lost consciousness." Thea didn't want to mention Amber choking the poor man out, its first impressions were bad enough. "So you don't know where those bugs came from?" She winced at the mere thought of those things. Where was Amber? It sure was taking its time. "My phone doesn't work and neither does Amber's. I don't know how we're going to get help..." "We must assess the situation, there is not enough information to create an optimal plan of action." Amber stepped out of the room she went into. Thea looked past her, confused. "Worry not, instead of a locker, I placed him inside of a closet and thoroughly barricaded it." Thea wanted to protest, but the thought alone was tiring her. "Okay then... we should search the school?" She asked not only Amber but Lucy. "The origin of these spirits is most likely outside of this building. Otherwise they would already be inside, instead of attempting to break in." [color=CAFFD1]"Yeah,"[/color] Lucy said with a nod. [color=CAFFD1]"I've been looking around a bit, I've only run into more of these little ones. Luna says they're organized."[/color] [color=66FF99][i]"Broodlings, yes."[/i][/color] Lunasa said, obsessively fluttering back and forth through the hall. [color=66FF99][i]"I believe their origin Spirit is somewhere outside. The two of us were just on our way out to look, in fact. If Lucy wasn't so fixated on playing the hero, we probably would have found it by now."[/i][/color] [color=CAFFD1]"So that's still the plan then?"[/color] Lucy asked. She turned her attention to Thea. [color=CAFFD1]"Were you two thinking of leaving, too?"[/color] "Leave? Are you confident in your ability to survive outside?" Amber looked at Lucy with still eyes. "Where did those wounds I had to heal come from? I should let you know that won't work again today." "Well someone has to do something. If we just wait here we'll be killed eventually." Thea rolled over to a window and looked outside. Cars on the road has stopped. Were they broken as well? "Amber, let's go outside, if things get bad you can fuse with me and I promise I'll run away." Amber averted it's eyes from Lucy and directed them at Thea. "Your baseless altruistic nature isn't cute, you know that right?" Thea flinched and gripped the armrests of her chair. "Is that a yes?..." Amber looked back to Lucy. "Under one condition, these two lead the way. I'm sure the flying one there can assure we are not ambushed?" [color=CAFFD1]"Y-Yeah..."[/color] Lucy said. [color=CAFFD1]"We can do that. We work better in open spaces anyways."[/color] She looked back to Lunasa with a hand extended forwards. The moon Spirit nodded, and gently landed down on her arm before melting into it, the Medium's cloak flaring out into a pair of wings as the two merged. [color=CAFFD1]"Here goes nothing..."[/color] Lucy muttered under her breath. She stepped towards the door with her staff at the ready, scanning the area outside. Deciding it was safe to exit at the moment, she shoved the door open with her shoulder, rushing outside into the rain and leaping high up into the air, hopefully out of the reach of any hostile Spirits. But there was nothing there. Lucy floated back towards the school and kicked upwards off the roof, seeing if she could spot anything from a higher vantage point, but she found nothing. The invading Spirits had disappeared as quickly as they came; even the storm was beginning to fade. [color=CAFFD1]"Thea? Amber?"[/color] Lucy called out, slowly floating towards the earth. [color=CAFFD1]"I think it's over..."[/color] "Oh... That's good." Thea took out her pad and began writing. Somehow this felt anticlimatic, as if this was just a calm before the storm. Ah, that was good, she should use that in her story. Amber crossed its arms as it looked outside. "I gagged that man for nothing." It said. Thea blinked and looked up at it. "What?" "I said. I gagged him for nothing. The only reason I needed to stow him away was because he was bound to regain consciousness, so I tied him up and wrapped his shirt around his mouth." "...Jesus Christ Amber."[/hider] [sub]Collab with [@Piercing Light][/sub]