Raven listened to him as he expressed hat he basically loved her and blushed a bit but she did looked at him about his worry about what others may think about how others would feel at what matters to him. “Eliezer of course what you want matters along what you feel.” She said and held his hand giving a light squeeze. “Eliezer remember this all choice you decided to make even if t is what the people may want you will have some people will not be happy at hate it and same vise versa what you may excised you will be challenged with pole disagree with you but still have the support of some....even as a prince you can not make everyone happy no matter how hard you try some with not like your decision but as long as you do not hold regret and stand firm on what you want and believe it will work out in the end and to also listen to the opinions.’ Raven explained. “As my father always told me everyone has an opinion it can be fore you or against you but that is all it is an opinion always best to listen to what they say but in the end the finally decision.” She said to him with a smile. “I love you Eliezer that’s why I chose to stand by your side, many of my assassin comrades may hate it and may wanna kill me for choosing this path but I hold no regret and have the support of my siblings and master and despite learning I am from Lunar I do not blame you for what happen to my home or family now your father another story but still I made the choice and I hold no regret.” Raven explained to him. “So you see your voice and what you want does matter as long as you stand tall and stand behind it those who are against you will wait and see what happens for Eliezer you are what this kingdom needs as in a ruler after all you are braver then what you may know.” Raven finished explaining to him and smiled at him. Though once he spoken about lady Nemes and figured her being here without the lady of the house hold knowledge was already known but then looked at him and noticed he had trailed off for he had noticed her now long hair. She felt his fingers in her hair, though she to admit she liked the feeling. Though once her asked what had happened she let out sighed. “I wish I had the answer Eliezer about how my hair grew miraculously over night but I do not.” Raven explained to him and looked way. “I just woke up when to look at myself in the mirror and then there it was my short hair that I cut is now 5 inches past my shoulders even shadow was shocked when he came to check on me this morning.” Raven said to Eliezer Though once she was done speaking she felt a sharp pain go through her body and soon fell to her knees with her hand over her chest and and let out a painful groan as she breathed heavy. She had no clue this was the awakening of her abilities and the pain was only going to get worst over time. [hr] Amy looked at hildebrand and smiled. “Give it time for she is used to how the old Eliezer was this new one is a shocker to her I doubt she will do anything drastic worst come to show she might just distance herself from Eliezer but we will keep a eye on her for her and her families safety from the red robin.” Amy explained and looked at him. “And even though you never showed on you face about regretting letting the info slip I can read small signs that you did one of my specialties if you like I can teach you this skill may come in handy.” Amy said as she smiled with her arms crossed. [hr] Roberto was looking out the window of the apartment using the cane to steady himself and held up and old letter from Aster, re-reading it. [i]”Dear Father, I am doing well being a woodcutter has taught me something I never learned as a royal earning my living and seeing how hard these people work something I would like to teach our daughter. That is right father you have a granddaughter now we decided to name her Raven she holds the family first born traits of course but she is just the most precious life I have come to treasure. But although Ophelia has to fight me a bit to get a chance to hold our daughter.....I wish you could see her father she reminds me of mom a bit. But I promise before Raven is of age to get her abilities we will return to the palace for her to learn to control it. Take care father forever your son, Aster”[/i] Roberto sighed as he finished the letter for it was the third to last letter he got the others just talked about how Raven was growing like a weed and how happy they were but this one stuck out the most fo it announced him being a grandfather but never given the chance to hold her. “I am a fool Raven hang in there I know I can not change the past but I hope we can have a future together and spoil you liked I had always hoped to done once I learned of your birth I promise I will try to make it up too you.’ Roberto said as he cried. Allister was out trying to find Rave again and decided she had to meet her grandfather and soon before her abilities cause her to much pain and can start try to control it.