Feeling his touch, the warmth as he moved her closer her heart raced at their actions. It raced with excitement and she felt like some schoolgirl who had finally kissed her crush and she knew it was silly, but she was certain it was just primal reaction. It felt amazing the fact he felt the same, that he was into her just as much as she was him and for a moment she had forgotten. Iris had forgotten the fact she was about to break his heart tomorrow and completely change everything. Whether it was for the greater good or not. Feeling the touch on her neck made her shudder, it was so sensitive and felt amazing having him there so close to her. Iris could feel the warmth of him, and she was so lost in the moment that she only came to her senses when they had both fallen sideways onto the booth seat. Looking at him she was in a daze as he playfully took the bottom of her lip, [color=f49ac2]“Yeah well… what can I say? I just can’t help myself.”[/color] Whispering back to him, her cheeks still flushed as she felt herself pant a little for air after their long kiss. Feeling him move away slightly as she watched him smooth out his hair and readjust himself, she smiled, as much as she wanted to spend the night with him it was best, they both got some rest. Especially as tomorrow is going to be quite the day. [color=f49ac2]“Get some rest, you need it.”[/color] Placing a gentle kiss to his cheek as she stood herself up from the booth, she looked over at Cas ruffling his hair with her fingers grinning cheekily, [color=f49ac2]“I shall see you tomorrow.”[/color] Grabbing her crutches, she got herself comfortable on them as she moved towards the door glancing back at Cas. [color=f49ac2]“Rest well okay?”[/color] After her words she moved back to her bedroom happy with what she had achieved, the evening had been quite a nice night and she had managed to convince Cas that they could go to the forest and look for her ID. That would be the moment she could make her escape. [color=f49ac2][i]However, Ethan expects me to harm him, kidnap him at the least and I just. I don’t think I could do that to him. How can I hurt him after all he has done? Well… it’s not just that either. I like him, I really do, and I already feel terrible at the idea of doing this.[/i][/color] As her high ended she began to worry on the what ifs of her plan, a part of her had wanted him to still say no and then she couldn’t leave. [color=f49ac2][i]Would Ethan have gone back home with out me? I doubt it. I honestly think that I would be killed, whether by Cas or by his father. One of them would have my head when they know my identity. It’s inevitable.[/i][/color] Shaking her head to herself as she finally made it to her room she moved to get herself changed and head to bed, hopefully she would be able to get some rest.