[centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/qLyNjfH.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200321/4ad0b1fd8bd76933e99dd44379d6ef32.png[/img] [color=37AEB3][i][sub]Special Reconnaissance Regiment[/sub][/i][/color] [hr][hr] [/centre] [centre][hider=William 'Sonar' Albarn] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [right] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/splinter-cell-official-fanfiction/images/7/70/Kestrel.png/revision/latest?cb=20170114081102[/img] [/right] [/cell] [cell] [color=37AEB3][sub][h2]William J. Albarn[/h2] '[i][b]Sonar[/b][/i]'[/sub][/color] [sup][sup][sup][hr][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup] [color=Silver][i] 6'2" | 83kg | 29 Years | Heterosexual Birthplace: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire - United Kingdom Lieutenant - Special Reconnaissance Regiment[/i][/color] [/cell][/row] [/table][color=37AEB3][i][b]"A keen eye is just as deadly as a tipped bullet."[/b][/i][/color] [hr][color=37AEB3][sub][h2][b]P[/b]rofile[/h2][/sub][/color] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup][indent][color=37AEB3][b][u] Appearance [/u][/b][/color] [hider=Appearance][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c8c8cd4b-7a55-46ed-8764-50031c1f3410/d6aizek-e4662659-2c98-4c8d-8c6e-9050e106cf0b.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2M4YzhjZDRiLTdhNTUtNDZlZC04NzY0LTUwMDMxYzFmMzQxMFwvZDZhaXplay1lNDY2MjY1OS0yYzk4LTRjOGQtOGM2ZS05MDUwZTEwNmNmMGIuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.2H9Ox8hrMt8z7bsgYfgln9G02S3iY0BQn-dnJV7Tj6o[/img] [/hider] [indent][color=Silver]Albarn tends to blend quite well with the crowd. Standing at 6'2" and weighing 83kg, nothing about him stands out from the rest of the world. There's no definitive or visible muscle compared to that of any average European and as far as facial recognition goes there's no outstanding features that easily set him apart. Under the alias [i]'Sonar'[/i], Albarn equips himself in lighter gear than most operators, sticking to flexibility, manoeuvrability and complimenting subtle movement, usually donning darker colours of beige and black if the situation allows for it. Layered with smaller layers of body armour and webbing pouches for ease of access, it suits Albarn well for his expertise. Outside of duty, Albarn is commonly clad in military fatigues, including his [url=https://i0.wp.com/bootcampmilitaryfitnessinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/beret-srr.jpg?ssl=1]Emerald Grey SRR Beret[/url]; occasionally he will dress down to casual wear, separating himself from the military lifestyle through looks as well. [/color] [/indent] [indent][color=37AEB3][b][u] Psychological Report [/u][/b][/color] [indent][color=Silver][i]"Albarn has always been a peculiar one to watch over. With the weight of a certain [b]legacy[/b] resting upon his shoulders, there's always been that drive to insert himself into any opportunity that may hone his skills. In the past, it was an unhealthy drive, one that got him into a lot of issues with some superiors, however I believe it's payed off rather well. He knows his way around the equipment we have and has his heart set in the right place, there's no denying it. One thing I must compliment him on is his affinity to be a people's person if he needs to be. Talking to senior Operators about their gear and learning trades of mechanics comes with its secondary benefits after all. It's a comfortable social life, one where he will talk to people when its worthwhile, or in the interests in their help. We've found him recently to be very fond of keeping stressed Operators and even panicked hostages (preferably rescued ones) at ease. Unfortunately, I worry that perhaps this might be at the expense of his own constitution, where he can find the stress of battle dig into his neck, like a scorpion let loose. On another note, he's always been a very...how do I put this? He believes actions are far stronger than words, though mainly through the products of an individual's output. For Albarn, it's his equipment. Reliable, he calls it. Minimalist, and something he isn't reliant on. If there's anything personal preference goes by, that's the way an Operator should be. Yet, he's effective. Good company, and a good friend. English lad, too. So far he hasn't let relationships get in the way of his job, but that doesn't mean he hasn't gone to make those connections in the first place. And besides, unlike some old comrades, he knows when to keep a bloody mouth closed shut."[/i] [b]- Six[/b][/color] [/indent] [/indent] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup][indent][color=37AEB3][b][u] Rank and Role [/u][/b][/color] [indent][color=Silver]Lieutenant [SRR] - [i]Specialist Technician[/i] / Operator [Active][/color] [/indent] [/indent] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup][indent][color=37AEB3][b][u] Biography [/u][/b][/color] [color=Silver]Born in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, William has always had trouble fitting in with his childhood peers. In his infancy, he was adopted by the 'Albarn' family. From the start, his family were very transparent about who he was biologically, yet it didn't stop them from caring about him as if he was their own. The stigma of adoption had been removed early on and William soon forged an immensely tight bond with his adoptive brother, [url=https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/sei_51496528-7a12.jpg?quality=90&strip=all][b]Michael[/b][/url]. Though there was a strong three year gap between them, limiting their shared education, their home life was commonly spent in each other's company, be it after school clubs, causing insignificant childhood trouble and living the upmost normal life. Of course, that changed very quickly on. At the age of 18, Michael left to join the Royal Marines, leaving William to his own personal self for the first time in years. There, he found his love for technology, and damn well did it stick with him onward. Though at the age of 16 he considered enlisting into the British Armed Forces, hoping to gain the quickest route to reuniting permanently with Michael, he convinced himself to take a step back and focus on studies, taking his A-Levels and furthering his education. It was when he turned 18 that he actually made the move, jumping into Officer's Training in the Royal Marines, using the enlistment to also fund his undergraduate bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, specifically in the Imperial College of London. Once his degree was finished and his training in Sandhurst was complete, at the age of 21, he went into full service as a Second Lieutenant, all the while working closely with Electrical Engineering branches of the Forces. There, he remained comfortable for two years, becoming a Lieutenant and taking his place in the Armed Forces for a short while, deploying in several countries such as Afghanistan, Spain, Iraq, Syria and Egypt. Contact with Michael ground to a halt as his adoptive sibling was offered an unknown position outside of conventional reach. In response, Lieutenant Albarn caught the eye of the Special Reconnaissance Regiment, or SRR, and decided to take his abilities a step further. Training was gruesome, as he expected. Somehow he pulled through with a sense of pride and dignity, though his results weren't exactly exemplary compared to his hardened peers. Now under the UKSF, Albarn's life took a more familiar turn to what he is used to today. As the Unit was set up to unburden the SAS and SBS from intelligence and reconnaissance gathering, Albarn once again found himself travelling all over the world in unfamiliar operations of counter terrorism - notably, the SRR played a critical role in both [b]Operation: Sea Demon[/b] and [b]Operation: White Pool[/b], the latter in tracking down and monitoring a remnant group of the previously defused White Mask Movement. It was there he had his first encounter with Team RAINBOW; and to his surprise, amongst the Operatives present was none other than Michael Albarn, under the callsign [i]Hindsight[/i]. Having proven his worth over the course of another three years, the now 24 year old William was soon recommended towards [b]Six[/b], the daunting figurehead of Team RAINBOW. After many background checks, Operational assessments and several interviews, RAINBOW offered William a position under their leadership, taking him away from the frontlines of Counter-Terrorism and instead hiring him as an Electrical Engineer to maintain and work with Operator's experimental gear. Michael remained as 'Hindsight' during this time, rekindling the familial bond with his adoptive younger brother as quickly as they'd done as children. Here, William further integrated himself into RAINBOW's familiarity, becoming a reliable behind-the-scenes member who spent many sleepless nights learning the trade of engineering behind each Operator's gear. At the age of 25, William was sent as an envoy to the highly secretive United States Covert Operations Unit, [b]Third Echelon[/b], to negotiate the testing and usage of their developing 'Sonar Goggles'. That was the day that changed the course of William's involvement in RAINBOW forever. Third Echelon agreed to provide RAINBOW with their own version of the [url=https://splintercell.fandom.com/wiki/Sonar_Goggles][b]Ultra-High Frequency Sonar Goggles[/b][/url], however it was only a single model. Through what seemed at the time as a tough, ruthless and unfair deal, RAINBOW were given free reign to tamper with its gear, however they were not allowed to request any parts or replacements from Third Echelon until development was complete. William was assigned to work with the Goggles on his own for a while, testing it in adaptive situations. Over the two years he spent developing it, he condensed it down to work on a single eye, lowering its profile and integrating an Operator's utility radio into its devices, formally creating the UHF-SON-2. Michael was brought out of service for five months to test the new model in combat situations, with William himself occasionally taking his place on sick days. Now 27, William had provided a new asset that solidified a near permanent place in RAINBOW's background scene. That was until Michael found himself being critically wounded. 16th August 2033. During a combined arms raid with the Korean 707th Special Mission Battalion, Michael was shot several times across his body, mainly his arms, and was unable to get out of the way of a handheld improvised explosive device, severing his lower left leg. [b]'Hindsight'[/b] was extracted in due haste and was formally discharged from active military service, being allotted specialised medical and physiotherapy for the upcoming years of his life. This event temporarily halted William's progress as a serving member of RAINBOW, understandingly breaking his heart. However, after conversations with his brother rose up again, he found a sense of commitment to continue his brother's work in the field and requested a transfer into the Operator's Sector of Team RAINBOW. At first it was questioned, meaning William was opted to provide suitable reasoning for his case. In spirit, he provided his military history in the Royal Marines, SRR and Team RAINBOW development programme, as well as offering the field-testing of the UHF-SON-2 Goggles. After much consideration, he was granted his transfer, and by the age of 28 he became a fully-fledged member of RAINBOW's Operator Roster under the new alias of [b]SONAR[/b].[/color] [/indent] [/indent] [hr][color=37AEB3][sub][h2][b] E[/b]quipment[/h2][/sub][/color] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup] [hider=Skills][color=Silver][list] [*]Operational Reconnaissance [*]Intelligence Gathering Proficiency [*]Electrical Engineering Degree [*]Previous Team RAINBOW Equipment Engineer [*]Naval and Amphibious Training [*]Pragmatic Thinker [*]Eye for Details [*]Nimble Dexterity [*]Nearly five-years experience within RAINBOW [*]Covert Operations Training [/list][/color] [/hider] [indent] [color=37AEB3][b][u] Weaponry [/u][/b][/color] [color=silver][list] [*][url=https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/7A9478D0-83D3-4C20-B077-2243D8741FCD.jpeg]H&K MP5SD[/url] [*][url=https://i.redd.it/3ucxxovn3vn21.png]L119A2 SFIW[/url] [*][url=https://www.eliteukforces.info/images/sas/p226.jpg]Sig Sauer P226[/url] [*][url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/006/084/604/large/anton-andreev-phuspkistks.jpg?1495944589]L3A1 Standard Bayonet[/url] [*]L132A1 Smoke Grenades [*]L109A1 HE Grenades [*]SRR Reconnaissance Kit - Binoculars, Maps etc. [*]UHF-SON-2 [/list][/color] [/indent] [hider=SON-2][img]https://giantbomb1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/scale_medium/14/146864/2144374-char_kestrel.png[/img] [color=37AEB3][b]Ultra-High Frequency Sonar Headwear - Mk. 2[/b][/color] [hr][hr] [color=Silver]The UHF-SON-2 is an off-breed development to the original [i]Sonar Goggles[/i] found in the hands of Third Echelon. Condensed from its more conventional [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3b/94/28/3b9428e1e8da96b3a56bcce745f2ea5c.jpg]predecessor[/url], SON-2 aims to improve the ergonomics and flexibility of the original design, all the while retaining its functionality. In short, the SON-2 headwear is a tactical device that uses sonar to outline objects, people and threats either in the dark, around corners or on the other sides of walls, all within an approximate 10-15 metre range. Sonar Pings are adjustable via the headset, with the highest [i]ping[/i] frequency being every 3 seconds and its lowest being every 10. It does not track movement, only the [i]current[/i] locations of objects, people and weapons within the area, and it does not scan what the objects are, reliant on the user to identify the outlines and shapes of the objects that appear ahead of him, something [b]Sonar[/b] utilises wisely. An unavoidable disadvantage to the goggles is that their operational accuracy and functionality drastically decreases when the operator is moving at high speeds. This can include jogging or running, though when walking it does tend to appear a little "foggy". It's best used in static or slow movements, maintaining a clear and unfazed reading per each ping. Its goggle is layered with a grey scaled tint, giving a somewhat average night-vision view, even between each ping. The SON-2 is especially useful when combined with sight-obstructive equipment, such as smoke grenades, or when power is being cut out to certain buildings. The SON-2 headgear is also equipped with a built in Operative Personal Radio for ease of communications.[/color] [/hider] [sup][sup][sup][hr][/sup][/sup][/sup][indent][color=37AEB3][b][u] Theme [/u][/b][/color] [youtube]https://youtu.be/NMLn-Luz_n8?list=PLCEGRI0tSKc2f0YDwPXomJCqErT4epvFG[/youtube] [/indent] [hr] [/hider][/centre]