[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4800f725-90b9-4b88-acae-2886696cf2c3.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/6730ee63-befc-4caa-9a16-7103e389ffd5.png[/img][/center] [sub][color=DAA520] Same time, same place.[/color][/sub] [hr] Cairo smiled carefully at the new girl in welcome, her mouth closed and slightly pointy. The other two started chatting lightly, slipping effortlessly into that sort of small talk that never came easily to Cairo, the girl. Cairo, the spy, however, could engage even the most guarded of her marks in conversation, flitting seamlessly from one topic to the next. But the girl herself, was more awkward then that. That’s why, when she was given an opening, a chance to introduce herself, her nervousness came out in short, clipped sentences. [color=DAA520]“Cairo.”[/color] She extended her hand to clasp the Asian chick’s one, her grip firm. Before much more could be said, a boy breezed by them, displacing the other girls a little. Cairo, built as robustly as she was, barely shifted. He rang the doorbell, and the assembled group waited. Another boy had joined by the time the anticipation tinged silence has slowly morphed into tension. Finally, the door swung open to reveal a boy— no, man— boy-man standing in the doorway eating some cereal carelessly. He looked Indian, or Middle Eastern, with the lazy air characteristic of the many fresher boys who populated UK universities. He waved them in as he turned further into the building. Curious, Cairo stepped away from the sidewalk, and past the boy who’d pressed the doorbell, into the house proper. Her bags were placed neatly to one side of the living room. It was an open plan, modern space with the living room bleeding effortlessly into the kitchen.[color=DAA520][i] Not that it’s a hardship to make it look effortless since there are only two colours to speak of in this house,[/i][/color] she thought to herself. He gave a little spiel, with the barest of information actually revealed, in that same careless voice that matched the rest of his persona. At the announcement that they would be choosing their rooms for themselves, Cairo let out an internal sigh of frustration. Toss a couple of unfamiliar people into a group, and there was bound to be some tension. None of that community spirit has been created, nor the bonds of friendship so she thought it would be too much to ask to get them to decide on this in an orderly way. But she’d try. [color=DAA520] “Thanks, Rabindar. About the rooms,” [/color] with this she turned to face the rest of the students, [color=DAA520] “why don’t we all individually check them out and meet back here in 5 minutes to decide who gets what, based on if certain people have any preferences.” [/color] Although she didn’t know it, she looked pretty intimidating as she stared the rest of them down, her eyes icy, and her resting b*tch face firmly in place.