[center][img]https://pronto-core-cdn.prontomarketing.com/358/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/cache/2020/02/Alex-Brightman-headshot/3521698875.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Lawrence Betelgeuse [b]Age:[/b] Mid thirties [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] Used car salesman [b]Personality:[/b] He uses humor to hide the fact that he's one bad day from stepping in front of a train. Lawrence likes to ignore his problems in hopes that they'll go away. He has everyone he works with fooled into thinking that he's a funny, confident, and maybe even crass comedy man. When, really, he's just a sad, lonely guy trying to make ends meet and wishing that his insane, shitty mom would stop showing up in his life. [b]History:[/b] Lawrence grew up in Connecticut with his parents. His dad was a normal, if not emotionally repressed, guy. His mom was batshit insane. Lawrence's father constantly turned a blind eye to the abuse his mother enacted on him, the bruises, the cigarette burns, being locked out of the house all night. Finally, one day, his father 'went to by a case of beer', and never came back. Being left alone with his mother made Lawrence's life a hundred times more miserable, so, around his teens, he began to act out and hang around with the wrong crowd. He wouldn't even come home most nights. Lawrence dropped out of business school in his early twenties and managed to obtain a used car lot, which made him just enough money to live on. He became known for his gimmicky commercials and hilarious persona. But, when he came home to his shitty apartment every night, the facade fell away. He wasn't happy. He was [i]never[/i] happy. About a year ago, his father came back into his life. Lawrence had hope that maybe he'd have at least one parent's approval and affection, but he soon found out that his father was only coming to him because he had cancer, and needed someone to pay for his treatments. Lawrence, being a push over when it came to his parents, did so. This incurred the wrath of his mother, who eventually found out. After that hell, his father still passed a few months ago. Lawrence was still alone, still hated by his mom, and still broke. He managed to find a house that he could put a 0% down payment on, and was rock bottom cheap. Apparently the two schmucks that lived there before kicked it in the basement or something. Whatever, he doesn't believe in ghosts, anyway.