Creeeeaaak. "See Barbara, we can't raise a family in a house with creaky floorboard-woooaaaaaa!" The crash was deafening, and the two cries were cut short. Why was their basement so deep? The two Maintlands laid on the cold, concrete floor, broken and twisted. But, upstairs, only minutes later, they came in the front door. "See, I told you this house wasn't ready for kids," Adam said, looking across the room at the giant hole in the floor. "We'll have to call someone to get that fixed." "Oh my goodness, it's so cold in here. Did we turn the AC back?" Barbara shivered. She walked over to the fireplace to try and warm up, but it wasn't helping. "Adam, why is it so cold?" She turned to look at her husband, who was pale in the face and looking down into the hole in the floor. "I have a better question. Why are our bodies still in the basement?!"