[center][h1][b][color=ACA7D3]1[/color][/b][/h1][/center] Amber woke, heated a few buckets of water over the fire, then bathed in a large wooden tub by her back window, shutters open to let in the fresh morning air and light from the suns dawn. Once finished bathing she toasted some bread over the same fire, grilled some grunter rump, fried a clucker egg, and ate it all at the table next to her bed with a tall wooden cup of spring pear juice. While eating she heard a loud noise from afar in the forest, possible the call of a Huntstan, but didn’t really think anything of it. Not the first time a Huntstan would be heard wandering these parts. After breakfast she sifted about in her dresser drawers for too long before deciding on one of her many string strap tube-slip undergarments, covered then by a pale-purple and sleeveless semi-bell dress that barely reached her knees and had a frontal lace-up low-fit bodice to expose some upper cleavage. She at last fixed her hair and slipped on her favourite pair of woolen ankle boots and entered the second room of her house - which was in fact her leather shop - at the same time that her first customer for the day knuckled down hard on the door. Closing the door to her living area behind her, she crossed the store swiftly, checked her look and her cleavage in the polished metal pane on the wall next to the entrance, then unlatched and swung open the door with a welcoming smile – a smile that quickly ran from her face when she saw the weirdo standing on her front landing. She gasped.