I’m iffy on it myself. I understand it’s one of those realism rulings but as per usual with rules of realism, they’re really more to make things difficult for players since it’s rarely something we can capitalize on our opponents. Not to mention it could potentially put us into a cycle of hurting where we fight, go down, get brought back up, and accumulate exhaustion which I should remind everyone, [i]you only lose one per long rest[/i]. Even a single level of exhaustion can be crippling for those of us who want to roleplay more since skills are the first to suffer from exhaustion. Obviously we should try and avoid losing all of our HP, but sometimes the die just isn’t in your favor when it comes to matters like that. And when it’s just bad rolls that’s just bad luck, but exhaustion on top of that is a good reason as any to abandon a crawl or at least be stuck doing nothing for a day or so.