[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200311/ade3ecdeef31bc46c06c85f735d930d5.png[/img] [hr][hr] After being introduced with the blonde girl, Cairo ([i]Cairo is usually a male name, Arabic, and this girl doesn't seen to be either, but this eccentricity could have plenty of possible explanations[/i]), a young man ran past Maddie and, without much introduction himself, quickly ran up and pressed the doorbell, a ring echoing out into the cool Oxford air. Examining him as she looked over, Maddie spoke up. [b]"Err...I'm not sure that the doorbell does anything. We're probably going to have to wait until-"[/b] It was around then that the door swung open, and a young man, appearing Indian in ethnicity, opened the door and welcomed the motley crew inside. A touch embarrassed now, Maddie quietly followed the man into the living room. If he had been standing with them, Maddie most likely would have assumed he was one of them, but the fact that he had already been inside the building implied he was either a master infiltrator or, somewhat more likely, he was a younger staff member, perhaps a recent Veritas graduate himself. As she walked in, Maddie examined the living room-kitchen combination- both seamlessly combined together, all in a somewhat modern appearance overall. Very chic, sophisticated, certainly livable. One hardship the Academy was not going to be implementing, clearly, was hardship of living. The man introduced himself as Rabinder Singh ([i]clearly an Indian name, so most likely Indian[/i], told them where they could find their living spaces ([i]very hands-off, disassociated, indifferent, information might be useful later[/i], and had the house system inform them of when their first meeting would be ([i]10 AM, 3 hours, attended by 3 individuals, presumably staff. Visible cringe by Mr. Singh at the mention of the name Elizabeth Lew, intriguing[/i]). And with that, the introductions there were over. Maddie turned to face Cairo as she proposed an explanation for what to do with the room situation, which Rabinder himself had obviously not volunteered any ideas. She nodded as she spoke. [b]"No complaint,"[/b] Maddie said, picking up two pre-delivered suitcases with each hand after slinging a heavy bag over her shoulder. [b]"I'll check upstairs first, if I may."[/b] And with that, she toted the heavy bags with little (alright, [i]modest[/i]) difficulty up the stairs to select a room. Despite verbally agreeing to the proposition, Maddie had no intention of actually [i]giving up[/i] the room she had chosen. She was no lightweight for sure. [@sassy1085][@Infernal Flame][@World Traveler] [/center]