When Iris opened the door, Cas smiled, happy to see her bright face after another long day. To his relief, it looked like she was doing well. Her skin wasn’t as pale as it had been the day before, and her voice sounded full when she giggled. Even before she confirmed that she had merely been too excited to eat, he guessed silently that she was still planning to sneak out of the mansion with him that night. Their plans were still in motion, which meant he could still live out some of his favorite secret agent movies. He couldn’t wait. [color=#b97703]“You should try anyway,”[/color] he advised, glancing over his shoulder to make sure the hallway was still empty before he stepped into her room. [color=#b97703]“This is your last chance to eat until breakfast tomorrow, and you wouldn’t want to regret skipping a meal if you wake up starving in the morning.”[/color] Turning back around to face her, he waited until she had closed the door before he spoke again, so there would be less of a chance of any passerbys overhearing them talk. [color=#b97703]“Plus, it would be a good idea for you to make sure you’ve got some energy when we go out to the woods and start rummaging through the leaves for your ID.”[/color] At her question, he broke into another grin, unable to hide his excitement. [color=#b97703]“Yeah, I am,”[/color] he nodded. [color=#b97703]“To be honest, I’ve never done anything like this before, but I guess that’s what happens when you get involved with a bad girl.”[/color] He winked at her jokingly. There was still no telling what kind of person she had been before she’d lost her memories, but he liked to think he was starting to get a clearer picture as they spent more time together. She was certainly more of a risk-taker than he was, and those habits were starting to rub off on him in the best way. If they did manage to stay together after she recovered from her amnesia, he looked forward to seeing what kind of trouble they would get into in the future. [color=#b97703]“Exactly,”[/color] he agreed when she said she wouldn’t want to waste the food he’d brought for her. Following her gesture, he sat down beside her on the sofa and passed off the plate for her to take. [color=#b97703]“It’s chicken with mushrooms and cheese,”[/color] he explained in answer to her next question. [color=#b97703]“I had my portion not too long ago, so I can assure you it’s as delicious as everything else you’ve had from the royal kitchen so far.”[/color] Once she’d taken the plate from his hand, Cas made himself comfortable on the sofa, drawing one knee to his chest and lacing his fingers around his ankle. [color=#b97703]“I had a few hours free before dinner, so I came up with a way to get us out of the house,”[/color] he said, casting her another eager smile. [color=#b97703]“The guards will be patrolling the east wing from nine until ten, so if we go then, no one will see us. We can take one of the emergency cars too. The plates on those aren’t registered under my family’s name, so the soldiers in the city won’t recognize it. As long as we get back before security rotates back to this side of the building, no one will even know we were gone.”[/color]