[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bb/8d/1c/bb8d1c070399b5c07d7bb66f6bbd57f6.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]*UPDATED*[/b][/center] [center][b]*Partner Added*[/b][/center] [center][Hider=Intro & Rules] [center][color=#EDE6CD][h1]Hello My Fandom people!!!![/h1][/color][/center] [center][color=#057BA6]I'm so glad you all found this thread! I'm going to just say early on so I don't waste anyone's time. This thread will be specifically for my Naruto IC's. If you are a fan and wish to play something a bit out of the norm then this thread is for you! While I'm at it I'll state now, I HATE BORUTO. So none of the stories here will involve boruto. Sorry not sorry. These stories all take place in a AU and will require that you create an OC. Cannon characters will simply be used as NPC/Bosses that we may do with as we please so long as their basic traits and personalities stay intact. With that said one of the stories is a somewhat a What if type of thing so I understand if that's not your cup of tea. So. Let's jump into the annoying rules shall we.[/color][/center] [center][list] [*]-These stories are more on the Mature side of things. That being said our characters MUST be 18+ at the very least. [*]-As I said this is a Mature themed RP. Romance will be involved, not necessarily a slow-burn to love but also not a "love at first sight" type of thing. Let's have a nice balance. Sex(We can fade-to-black. If you wish) I however prefer to play it out but I'm flexible. This being said it will take place via PM. [*]-No Godmodding! That goes without saying but I must mention it due to the stories listed below. You are allowed to make a strong character feel free, but be believable and have drawbacks and clauses to your powers. [*]-These RP's will require a partner that is capable of writing Mid-Casual to Advance. I'm looking for players that can write an imaginative and descriptive response. Not saying you need to have 5+ paragraphs every response, of course quality over quantity, but ABSOLUTELY NO One-Liners. [*]-Lastly please don't ghost. I understand writers block and I know we all have lives that take precedent over this site. That's fine, should something come up Communicate please! No longer interested? Communicate! No hard feelings we are all grown here. Should a response take over a week long I will assume disinterest and drop the RP. [*]-Thank You![/list][/center] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Prologue][center]Everybody wants to be a ninja. The glory of it all. The adoration of your village civilians for protecting them day in and day out. The ability to perform amazing feats, I mean who wouldn't want that right? But see, it isn't what they glorify in the sun's rays, it's all about what's done in the dark. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b9/fb/b8/b9fbb8c3b72a8326a4f34776a51220fa.gif[/img] The secrets they hide behind the scenes, the dark gritty reality of it all! Being a ninja can have it's moments sure, but one must have the mental fortitude to drag themselves through the muck of it and not be lost in this world's madness in order to enjoy one's fruits. Who are we you ask? That's a loaded question if I've ever heard of one. Shit, if I could put it into words it'd be. [img]https://cdn.myanimelist.net/s/common/uploaded_files/1465461973-eaeeecb8c3e72d97c88206adb1c7a105.gif[/img] "[I]We are the darkness. We have no face, no names. The shadows that strike without warning, the blade that silence those who seek to tear down establishment. When we die, we are not celebrated as heroes, but forgotten like dust blowing in the wind. Unknown to to the unknown. We are simply called The Balance.[/I]" But what [I]is[/I] The Balance? We are a small underground Ops unit of ninja with exceptional gifts that are hidden away from the shinobi world. Gifts that others may see as too dangerous to be allowed to roam the world freely. We are the chosen few with Undiscovered Kekkei Genkai. Where are we you ask? All around you. In plain sight. Your teachers, milkmen, street cleaners. We exist everywhere and nowhere. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6b/10/45/6b1045b3464af69fdcd089052502102c.png[/img] When Anbu fails, we are sent in. Answering only to the Hokages, we move outside of the Law and protect the peace between nations.[/center][/hider][/center] [center][hider=Main Plot(s)] [hider=Fragment Memoirs of a Shinobi] Ex-Spec Ops x Spec Ops (This story requires you to create your own unique oc with a Kekkei Genkai) [center][I]RUN[/I] [I]Whatever you do don't stop![/I] [I]RUN!![/I] Run until your legs give way, run until your lungs feel as if they were to burst any second now. Even then run some more! These were your thoughts, this was your decision! How could they do this! How could [I]HE[/I] do this. How could they just steal your entire life away from you like that and lie about it! So much blood, so much pain! Why!?! [I]GOD WHY!!![/I] 10 years has passed since you've successfully escaped from The Balance. Yet every night you are haunted by what you've done, the lives you destroyed, the anguish you've caused all in the name of some skewed Justice. You are known across the shin obi world as an extremely volatile psychopath. Armed and extremely dangerous. Should anyone spot you they should not approach or to kill on site for a $20 million Ryūgan bounty. Eh, what did you expect? The Balance, they control so much from behind the scenes and can weave any story they like. They were powerful and dangerous. You now wander from village to village never staying in one place for too long and NEVER going into one of the five capitols. I mean, how could you. You knew how The Balance operated, they were everywhere, they could be ANYONE. This was your life, for now. You formulate plan after plan in your head on how you can infiltrate and destroy The Balance from within. But with every plan came 100 ways it could end badly. But you wanted revenge, you ached for it! You wanted to finally expose him for who and WHAT he truly was and you were determined to do that with your last breath. He controlled you for so damn long! But no longer, his plan didn't count for a rogue. Now, with determination set in you heart and bloodlust radiating off you. You begin to formulate a plan to take down one of the most dangerous organizations since the days of The Akatsuki. You vow that [I] he[/I] will feel the sting of your blade even if it costs you your final breath. That was the plan up until now, however, one day an assassin is hot on your trail. Try as you might you couldn't shake them but they couldn't kill you either. It's to be expected, The Balance trained only the most deadly shinobi in the world. This game of cat and mouse went on for some time and you had enough, finally confronting your attacker you engage in an explosive battle comparable to that of a war. When the dust settles, you realize that you've dealt a would be fatal blow to your attacker. Thinking you've won you go to strike the final blow only to realize, you knew her. But she, could not remember you. How will this all play out? One one hand you could finish the job be rid of one more threat while on the other a potential ally. But first you must get her to remember, remember. It. All.[/center][/hider] [hider=Some Bonds Can Never Be Broken] Jinchuriki x Spec Op (For this RP I'd like for us to start in the beginning here to have two different perspectives of that night. Followed by a Time-skip to current times.) For this story you are required to create a Jinchuriki to host the Zero tails (Story down below). Your character can be either a Jounin or still a Genin. It's up to you it will have very little impact on the overarching narrative. Only impacting on how our characters interact with one another. [img]https://i1.wp.com/66.media.tumblr.com/9dc4a35f6774e33ad266ec293bcfbd2c/tumblr_ppsy0xltXh1w38thpo6_400.gif?resize=350%2C200&ssl=1[/img] Orochimaru, that damned snake. He swore, he swore! No more experiments. Tch, just goes to show once someone has shown their true colors there isn't any changing them. But this time, he's gone too far and must be put down for good. Several years after the events of The Fifth Great Shinobi war the allied nations lived in peace, relatively of course. It would still take some years before the tension in the air to subside. However, it is around that time of year again. The time where all villages gather to watch the next generation climb the ranks in the shinobi world, The Chunnin Exams!!! Ninja with great talents and ability all gather, eager young minds ready to learn amazing new things and bright eyes set upon the limitless future! But, As The 7th Homage Naruto gave his speech to begin the exams. [center][b]"Rise beast and give way to a new path of power! This Shinobi world shall be mine! I shall rule over it all as it's new God! Kuchiyose no jutsu!!"[/b][/center] [center][img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/169282950412930195/1B85CDB1329EFE5324CDA358A52B87A1C7F55BC0/[/img][/center] [center][img]https://pa1.narvii.com/5992/49d67ae9792e85deea6e0baac8be5219a928fb80_hq.gif[/img][/center] A Flash of light, that was it. That's all we saw, next thing we knew the ground shook fiercely and a terrible monstrous roar echoed throughout the land. Then, explosions, everywhere. The village was under attack. Claws, teeth and a power that dwarfed everything we threw at it. Destruction and chaos poured out and the 7th knew what had to be done. Hours passed and the battle raged on with no end in sight, countless lives were lost. But, with the help of his top sealing ninja they bound the beast and sealed it away in a prodigy ninja. You. With you as the new host and Orochimaru thrown into a max prison awaiting execution the world thought it would be able to go back to normal. Years passed, the village still reeling from the devastation tried it's hardest to move on. But, how could it when everyone knows the person responsible was still alive. You mourned the lost of your best friend/student(depending on what you choose), whenever you had the chance. But until that man paid you couldn't move on. But, little did you know that was only the beginning. One day, in the dead of night. [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/narutoprofile/images/7/71/Boshoku_by_osy0571.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20150908185101[/img][/center] Three individuals appeared garbed in oddly familiar cloaks and attack the village again. There power was nightmarish and powerful. With the village still trying to recover it was easy for them to subdue and capture you and release Orochimaru. Akatsuki Shingetsu, that's what they called themselves. That's where I come in, my mission? To recover Konoha's most valuable treasure second to the hokage, you. Together we must find out who these people are as well as their intentions. But exactly who am I and why do I seem so familiar? This is an adventure filled with secrets, romance, and tons of twists and turns. Strap your headband on nice and tight. It's going to be one hell of a ride.[/hider] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Potential Partners] [hider=Sayuri Kihane] Name: Sayuri Kihane Age: 18-25 (depending on RP) Personality: Fun, Playful and jokey. Rash in combat as she is mentally unbalanced. Personality does a full 180 and she becomes sadistic and cold-blooded. [hider=Original clan] Kihane [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/narutofanon/images/d/d0/Kihane_Clan_symbol.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20130708163012[/img][/hider] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/084da2b0-c646-4514-8b51-139c821c1a14/dclwsj3-b5ebb851-73f7-46b3-97a0-b3482026c3d6.png/v1/fill/w_1246,h_641,q_70,strp/ramiko_murakamura_naruto_rpc_by_mrs_w21_dclwsj3-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODI0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDg0ZGEyYjAtYzY0Ni00NTE0LThiNTEtMTM5YzgyMWMxYTE0XC9kY2x3c2ozLWI1ZWJiODUxLTczZjctNDZiMy05N2EwLWIzNDgyMDI2YzNkNi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTYwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.BTytdsOxEkjDI2lHa3erSL118fePKugVPwNqF1nt4nE[/img][/hider] [hider=Bio/Writing Sample] The Kihane clan, a small clan, humble and quiet clan lived on the outskirts of Konohagakure. Their small village sat surrounded by cherry blossom trees and vast open fields for farming. Strong, fierce, deadly. For a long time these words did not match this clan in anyway, they weren't known for violence or destructive Jutsu, instead they were known for their huge pools of chakra and unique Kekkei Genkai [I]Shokuton[/I] or Floral Release. A Kekkei Genakai that allowed this clan to manipulate the flora in the world. They became expert botanist, well known for their unique and powerful potions and delectable vegetation. This went on for years until Sayuri was born. At the age of three her powers began to bud much like every clan member. But her powers seemed different, stronger. It wasn't uncommon for the child even as an infant to sprout flowers around her crib when she was upset. Hell, by the time Sayuri was three she was able to grow small gardens in her bedroom. Her powers astonished her parents, she became their cherished treasure. They called her a prodigy, the one that would one day propel the Kihane to new heights in the ninja world. That's what they told her at least. But as she grew older, her powers began to mutate in a very different way. She'll remember the day her powers bloomed, it was burned into her memory forever as a nightmare that she'd experience night after night. The sun was bright that day. She remembered waking up early and sitting on her roof as the sun slowly peeked its way over the horizon. Beautiful shades of gold and orange painted the skies above, the trees swayed gently in the small breeze, its pink petals dancing in the sky before slowly descending to the ground. The grass below shone as if someone scattered small diamonds throughout the land. It was calming to say the least. [I]"Sayuri!! Come on honey! You know if you want to get the best items you have to get there early!"[/I]" her mother Sanzuki called out from below. Sayuri hopped off the roof top and took her mothers hand, twelve years of age now they walked hand in hand down to the local markets. Sayuri decided to wander the town while her mother brokered deals with restaurant owners or perused the small stands that lined the streets. The girl was bored, even at her age she wanted more out of life, she [I]felt[/I] as if she was meant for more. It was then that a crushed flower in the middle of the road caught her eye. Bending down she looked at the destroyed rose, it's petals torn and scattered in the mud. In this road filled with rocks and muck it had no chance to truly bloom into the beautiful rose it was supposed to be. Placing a hand over it the plant instantly sprung back to life, budding petals that were even more vibrant than normal. [I]"Ready to go Sayuri?"[/I] Sanzuki asked gently with a warm smile. Sayuri smiled back and nodded before taking her mom's hand, they walked home talking, laughing about everything and nothing. It was a blur, all of it. She remembers a world on fire, her [I]world[/I]. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/cpQsT9QI4yzKw/giphy.gif[/img] The stench of burning flesh filling her lungs. Her mother screamed and grabbing her daughter breaking her out of her trance [I]"Don't look sweetie! Look at mommy, look at me!"[/I] she pleaded as she hoisted her up into her arms. Sayuri was speechless, her mind blank. Her brothers, her father, her friends. Why?! Who did this? she asked herself, a question that was answered quickly as two masked men, one tall and muscular the other shorter and burly stepped out of the large greenhouse throwing two large burlap bags over their horses saddles. Common bandits did all of this? Why? For a quick come up? [b]"Hey look over there! Looks like we missed a few."[/b] one said in a deep voice. Sanzuki's eyes went wide as she turned on her heels to run, dropping her bag of goods. Over her mother's shoulder she watched as the men mounted up and gave chase. Sanzuki entered the woods, Konoha was several hours away by foot, but dammit she'd run the whole way there if she had too. They wouldn't take her baby from her too! Sayuri, was in shock. Her young mind abuzz, she had never seen violence, they were a peaceful bunch. Then this sudden carnage. it was too much. Sanzuki ran her hardest, her breath heavy, her chest and legs burning. But she could hear then as she entered the cherry blossom wood, yelling and shouting after them. The thundering gallops booming in her ears, then a sudden sharp pain at the back of her head knocking her down, Sayuri falling from her grasp. [I]"No! Please!"[/I] she yelled as one of the bandits jumped from his horse and landed on top of her pinning her to the dirt. Sayuri snapping out of it raced to rescue her mother "Stop!" she screamed desperately. [b]"No ya don't."[/b] The other said as he cut her off, kicking her in the gut. Sayuri toppled over gasping breathlessly in the mud as pain rang out through her body before feeling the full weight of the man on top of her pinning her down and pressing her face in the mud. [b]"Well, well look at you two precious beauties huh."[/b] the burly man said as he leaned down to lick the side of Sanzuki's face, she grunted before throwing her right elbow into the mans jaw making him fall back. The muscular man let out a hearty laugh [b]"Y'er gettin bested by a single bitch!"[/b] he roared. Sanzuki scrambled to her feet but was tackled again by the bandit. [b]"Dumb bitch!"[/b] he screamed as he grabbed her by the hair and slammed her face into the ground repeatedly. Sayuri screamed reaching out for her mother but try as she might she could not break free from the man's hold. [b]"Seems y'er daughters more lively, we'll just play with her!"[/b] he said as he took out a short blade from his pocket. Pulling her head up by her hair he chuckled [b]"Watch now little birdie"[/b] was all he said. Sanzuki let out one final plea as the iron slid across her throat. The blood, so much blood. The sounds of her mother choking on her own blood. Why? why was this happening. Why? Why? [I]WHY[/I] She asked herself again and again in silence. The tall man lifted her to her feet while the other simply grinned and walked towards her like a lion stalking its prey. Sayer's eyes never left her mother's body, this couldn't be happening. The burly man sheathed his weapon before ripping open her kimono exposing her bare skin underneath [b]"Hurry up will ya, I'm tired of this shit"[/b] the man holding her said. Sayuri, lost in a daze didn't even register the man's hands wandering her body, his tongue on her neck, his teeth as they bit into her skin. All she could do was think of the loss, loss of her family, her clan, her mother. "Mother?" she said gently. "Mother?.." She felt it, something deep inside her wanting to break loose. She no longer cared, these men, she wanted to kill them. She wanted them to hurt, to be tormented. Sayuri snapped. [Img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/941717709718555038/A7E634B903BBA61110FEC98D3FA662C2205EA04D/[/img] With a scream of pure anguish and rage her chakra erupted around her. The petals from the Sakura trees swirled wildly in every conceivable direction. The petals became as sharp as steel, breaking apart the bark on the trees, cutting the flesh of the horses scaring them off. The man dropped her and was pushed back from the force of her chakra, her body went limp, her head dropping low as a beast took control. The burly bandit drew his blade [b]"Little bitch!"[/b] he screamed as he swung his sword towards her head only for it to be deflected as a wall of petals sprung forth. [b]"Wha-the hell?"[/b] he stammered. Sayuri lifted her head, her eyes dull and dark. She raised her right hand and made a swiping motion, that's all it took. In the blink of an eye the bandits head flew high into the air, his body dropped to the floor spewing blood all over the girl. The other bandit scrambled to his feet and ran screaming in pure terror. Sayuri turned slowly towards the direction he was moving and reached her hand out towards him. Instantly the petals obeyed forming a three clawed hand-like figure and piercing straight through the mans body killing him instantly. With tears running down her face she clutched her torn clothes and simply walked away from all the carnage, changed forever. It had been, days? Weeks? Since that event took place. Yet, Sayuri still kept walking through the forest. The bottom of her feet now shredded and bloodied by the rough terrain, finally she had came to a clearing. She stopped at the treelike as she watched a tall man sporting a Konoha headband with silver spiked hair and a mask covering half his face train against a clone of himself. The man stopped as he felt her presence, the two simply stared at one another. But as the man took a step towards her Sayuri lifted her hand with a growl and pink petals sprung to life seemingly from nowhere. The man was surprised and tilted his head slightly raising his hands in surrender [I]"I mean no harm."[/I] he said gently. But the exhausted girl barely able to stand kept her eyes on him and as he took another step she growled reaching out towards him. The petals shot through the air at such velocity towards his face, the man wanted to dodge but it was too late. The petals hit him directly in the face, yet, it didn't hurt. Slowly he opened his eyes and watched the petals fall gently to the ground and looked over to the girl who fell to her knees coughing heavily before collapsing. The man's chest heaved as he released the breath he didn't even know he was holding and walked over to the passed out girl. He felt her neck, her skin was burning. He noticed the bruises and the blood and his heart broke [I]"It's okay now, rest, it's okay."[/I] [hider=Shokuton"Flora Release"] [I]Shokuton[/I] or "Flora Release" is a unique Kekkei Genkai exclusive to the now extinct Kihane Clan. Thought to be a derivative of the Senju's wood release technique this ability allows the user to manipulate nature transformations. Users of Flora Release can create and manipulate most, if not all forms of plantlife to use it to their advantage. Unlike Wood Release, the user can control grass, leaves, flowers, seeds, lichen, moss, fungi, and other things. They can use a plant's natural attributes and magnify its effects for greater potency. Although distant relatives Flora Release and Wood Release are NOT the same. With training anyone can learn floral release as it's a combination of Wind, Water and Earth nature. BUT they will never be as powerful as it's genetic counterpart. Sayer's ability has mutated allowing her to use Senbonzakura or "Thousand Cherry Blossom" technique. With this ability Sayuri can summon Cherry Blossom petals to aid her in combat. The quantity that can summon is dependent only on her chakra reserves. Sayuri transmutes the leaves on a tree or the petals of a flower into cherry blossoms creating a wave of deadly petals. These petals react to the will of her chakra, should she feel endangered they will come to her aid in defense forming a steel-like barrier. Or should she want to attack simply motioning in the direction of her enemy will cause the petals to do just that using her own chakra to form almost any contract she can imagine. As stated before these petals can be manipulated by her chakra to have different densities. Making the petals flow as water, she can react quickly with them and make them as dense as her chakra will allow. Making her attacks fast and deadly and her defense near perfect. Think of this as a mix between Gaara's sand, Karin's paper and Byakuya's(From Bleach) Zanpakto. [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fairytailfanon/images/d/dc/Vent_de_Printemps.gif/revision/latest?cb=20150211155750&path-prefix=fr[/img] [/hider] [hider=Jutsu] - Flora Release: Petal Barrier (B-Rank) Sayuri summons petals to surround herself, an ally or an enemy in a dense swirling barrier. The barrier can be sustained as long as Sayuri has chakra and can further be used as an offensive technique on any entrap victims. - Flora Release: Petal Dance (B-Rank) Sayuri creates a whirlwind of petals and once she pushes out her palm, the petals swarm around the victim, cutting and harming them. - Flora Release: Blood Petal Swarm (B-Rank) An Advanced version of Petal Dance. Sayuri summons a large amount of petals to swarm and overwhelm her enemies. These blade like petals shred her victims relentlessly. The amount of petals she summons depends on the surrounding are and chakra reserves. - Flora Release: Grass Whistle (C Rank) After weaving the needed hand seals, Sayuri picks up a blade of grass and channels chakra into it. She then can make a grass whistle out of it and blows on it like an instrument. This technique usually has two effects. Normally, Sayuri can play the whistle to stimulate plant growth and strengthen plants to be used as jutsu. Another offensive use for it is to create a special resonating whistle that has such a low sound frequency, it can seriously damage a person's ear canals. Prolonged exposure to the whistle normally leads to the target passing out, though stronger targets can simply be stunned from the pain - Flora Release: Tracing Spore (C-Rank) This is a special chakra sensory technique that allows Sayuri to perform espionage anywhere. After making the need hand seal, Sayuri creates a special spore of chakra and attaches it to a target by using the spore to track down their chakra. Once the spore is attached, it grows tiny roots that borrow painlessly into the target's skin, absorbing chakra from the target and excreting it. Meanwhile, she can track down the trail of chakra using their own tracking spore. The chakra trail can remain unoticeable for a maximum of five days, unless it is erased by various means, enabling the user to follow the target at safe distances. - Flora Release: Shredding Thorn Briar (B-Rank) This technique causes several long vines to reach out of the ground, lunging towards the opponent. The vines are covered in thorns, and can extend to a length of 30 yards. The thorns deal a moderate amount of damage, depending on how hard the enemy is hit or slashed, or entangled by the thorns. The towns recreate a nerve toxin, once entered in the bloodstream this toxin can cause paralyzing effects and debilitating burning sensations. As a bonus, the user may drain these roots of the chakra that they used to bring them into combat, regenerating 1/3 of the chakra used. - Flora Release: Shadow Clone Jutsu (A Rank) [I]Sayuri manipulates various plants around them to create an exact replica of herself. Since it is a shadow clone, the copy can perform jutsu and interact with the environment since it has physical substance. Like many elemental shadow clones, this one has its advantages. For one, it can track targets down by touching plantlife that came in contact with them. Also, it can create its own chakra supply with photosynthesis, meaning it has more durability than average. If the clone is injured, it can slowly heal itself and fortify its defenses. When the clone is killed or dispersed, it becomes a pile of dead plant material, as a result of the technique draining the plants that made it of nutrient and chakra[/I] - Flora Release: Seed Bullet Jutsu (B-Rank) Using Seeds as tools Sayuri channels chakra into them or into any plant and hardens it significantly. She then propels it towards her target with great velocity. Depending on the size of the seed, the attack has different effects. Smaller seeds can pierce the targets like bullets while larger ones can cause impact damage and knock targets off of their feet. - Flora Release: Siphoning Vine (A-Rank) An Advance follow up of Seed Bullet Jutsu, after the seeds either make impact with it's target or the ground Sayuri channels chakra into the seed and forces it rapidly grow into a vine that tangles around the target and traps them. Then, the vines rapidly sap away their chakra, channelling it towards the Sayuri instead. This technique is great to use against opponents with powerful chakra. Multiple seeds can multiply the siphoning process' strength. However, Sayuri must be very careful with this technique though. For one, she must take great care with the chakra they are siphoning. If the chakra belongs to a jinchuriki or is malicious in nature, it could harm her as a result. Also, the vines can steadily absorb chakra but can only siphon so much. If their capacity is reached, the vines will either simply cease their function or wither and die altogether from overload. Additional seeds must be used to siphon greater amounts of chakra. - Floral Release: Honeysuckle Spore (A-Rank) Sayuri creates a special liquid with brain-confusing enzymes in her mouth and sprays it forward in an expanding translucent cloud. Anyone who breathes in the small spores suffers a state of near-paralysis, warped vision, and euphoria, similar to a genjutsu. The effects of this state are nearly indefinite while within the haze, though it fades in minutes when exposed to fresh air. This technique can be used to subdue and stun foes. Through chakra manipulation she can further this technique as a supplementing healing mist. Floral Release: Gaia's Breath (S-Rank) An advanced form of Honeysuckle Breath. When breathing in this mist Sayuri can heal her allies from deep wounds or exhaustion. The spores expelled into the air are mixed with her own chakra and have regenerative restoration abilities to both health and stamina. Combined with her siphon Jutsu Sayuri can continuously heal herself and allies by cycling her foes own chakra. As it's heavily chakra dependent Sayuri must find a source of stockpiled chakra or stockpile it herself before use. Therefore she only prefers to use this skill when pushed into a corner.[/hider] [hider=Traits of Kekkei Genkai] As stated because of her unique ability her Senbonzakura gives her passive abilities such as. Being able to "liquify" herself to be able to go into the ground/trees. Much like Zetsu. As well as transforming into Cherry Blossom Petals for travel or combat. Much like Konan and her paper angel form. Although these abilities are useful they do require chakra to use.[/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Kori Tatsuki] Age: 19-24 (Depending on RP) Chakra Nature: Lightning Release [Hider=Appearance] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4e7ca573-871a-4c70-8a66-214852f34461/dcvevtv-7e319fb0-f4b5-4aea-96b2-f4e5a0dddf3a.png/v1/fill/w_800,h_683,q_80,strp/seqwet_santwa_uwu_by_ielleja_dcvevtv-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjgzIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGU3Y2E1NzMtODcxYS00YzcwLThhNjYtMjE0ODUyZjM0NDYxXC9kY3ZldnR2LTdlMzE5ZmIwLWY0YjUtNGFlYS05NmIyLWY0ZTVhMGRkZGYzYS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9ODAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.dibBvYLKEIFsuxsWQRp3C51-L6mZvsyPB_gwf2ovRtw[/img][/hider] Original Clan: The Tatsuki Clan Original Village: (Depends on you. Due to the story I've left it open that we can be from any village really) [hider=Kekkei Genkai: Ringan] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/eb8c9312-1652-4549-8a36-15fe6a1cf581/d3lmc2z-23cda609-1d95-4abb-b966-64c47b17fdb2.png/v1/fill/w_800,h_800,strp/rigan_by_blacklightning777_d3lmc2z-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODAwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZWI4YzkzMTItMTY1Mi00NTQ5LThhMzYtMTVmZTZhMWNmNTgxXC9kM2xtYzJ6LTIzY2RhNjA5LTFkOTUtNGFiYi1iOTY2LTY0YzQ3YjE3ZmRiMi5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9ODAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.puh5ZqT85NYZ1jiYLSlBG7mgClO-gF54SBvTtnWRI34[/img] [hider=Description] THE RIGAN, Doujutsu of the Tatsuki Clan. A rare blood mutation that happens once in a blue moon that not every Tatsuki gets. Making it even more rare and wildly unknown even to them. _________________________________________________ First stage(the Rigan has one tomoe): The first of the Rigan’s powers is being able to see the flow of chakra. The Rigan can tell if a person is under a genjutsu because the person's chakra flow would be irregular. Second stage(Rigan has two tomoe): The Rigan’s second-most prominent ability grants the user an incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to easily recognize genjutsu and different forms of chakra, at the same extent as the Byakugan. This also allows the user to pick up on subtle details, enabling them to read lip movements or mimic something like pencil movements. As the Rigan evolves, gaining more tomoe seals, this ability extends to being able to track fast-moving objects before finally giving some amount of predictive capabilities to the user. However, even though the user may be able to see an attack or know it is coming, their body may not have time to react. Third stage(Rigan has three tomoe): The Rigan's third and most well-known ability is that it grants the user the ability to memorize any technique that he or she witnesses. The user can memorize ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu with near perfect accuracy, allowing the user to use the techniques as their own, or even modify them to create their own new techniques. In order to reproduce a copied jutsu, however, one must have the necessary skill or ability to perform them. In addition to physical skill, the Rigan cannot reproduce jutsu dependent on other factors, such as summons that the user has not signed a contract with or Kekkei Genkai. Fourth stage(Rigan has four tomoe): The Rigan's fourth commonly-used ability is capable of inducing a unique brand of hypnosis that involves suggesting actions and thoughts to the opponent through genjutsu cast by simple eye contact. More advanced Rigan users can take the hypnosis ability even further to the point where a powerful summon may be controlled. This ability has earned the Ringan the name [I]"Saimen No Me"[/I] or [I]"Hypnotic Eye[/I]" Fifth stage(Rigan has five tomoe): The Rigan's fifth ability is granting the user the ability to absorb chakra for the user's own to use. The user has to see the opponent to be able to absorb chakra. Sixth stage(Rigan has six tomoe)In the sixth stage the user gains an ability unique to that user THESE ABILITIES DIFFER FROM EACH USER. Using this ability to much can cause: Blindness in the eyes ,sickness and in worst occasions DEATH. -Her ability at this stage is called [I]"Hansha Sura Shinsen"[/I] or [I]"Reflective Gaze"[/I]. An evolution of her fifth stage ability, when activated Kori is enveloped by a thin rainbow like veil and can absorb any attack into her body. At this point she can hold the Jutsu and release a beam out of her eyes with the same destructive power. The time she can hold the Jutsu within her is dependent on the level of attack she absorbs. The stronger the Jutsu the less time she can hold it in. Once the attack is released her eyes are deactivated for a limited time that is also dependent on the strength of the attack. Followed by a debilitating headache and temporary sight loss. These abilities are usually very powerful and unnatural. [hider=Final Stage] Seventh stage. The final stage(Rigan no longer has six tomoe but has a design unique to that person, much like the Mangekyo the design is unique to it's owner.) [hider=Saigo No Zencho] Or "Final Omen" [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/narutofanon/images/d/d6/Tenseigan_Symbol.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20160703212306[/img] The Rigan at this time is as powerful as the Rennigan. Allowing the user access to the Deva Path's and Ying Yang release techniques. The user then will have five minutes upon activation to fight, once five minutes have passed the user WILL die. This technique must only be used when no other option is available.[/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider][/center]