Smiling as she sat down balancing the plate carefully on her legs she looked over at Cas as she watched him sit beside her on the sofa. Taking some cutlery in her hands she smiled as she looked at the dish on her legs as she began to take a few bites, even though she had felt a little nauseous earlier he was right. Eating would be best and with the night she was about to have an empty stomach would not be ideal. [color=f49ac2][i]I wonder what my father will be like… if I get through this and see him. Will he be happy to see me? Will he still have some bad habits? Some of the memories I remember of him weren’t exactly sunshine and rainbows.[/i][/color] Thinking to herself as she began to eat, she felt herself flush when she seemed to just realise what he had said. [color=f49ac2]“B-Bad girl?”[/color] Stuttering as she became quite flustered at the tease towards her. Shaking her head profusely she looked over at him with pleading eyes [color=f49ac2]“I am no such thing! I think you’re quite the troublemaker. With your wild parties and... and [i]flirtatious attitude![/i].”[/color] Huffing as she glanced at her food, there was a playful smile on her face however as she took another bite of the delicious food. [color=f49ac2]“Bad girl… pfft.”[/color] Iris blushed as she mumbled into her food feeling her blonde hair fall in front of her face hiding her embarrassment. [color=f49ac2]“Anywaaaay. You could be a bad guy; the ladies absolutely love you and you know you are charming. A lot of bad guys use that to their advantage.”[/color] Pointing her fork at him as she bit back playfully grinning as she gave him a wink, [color=f49ac2]“You certainly have a way.”[/color] A flash of memory passed by, the heated kiss last night in the bar where she had entranced him. Egged him on almost. Finally talk of the plan and she could hear how eager he was, he was loving it and only brought a smile to her face. Finishing off her food she moved the plate to the table giving him her full attention about the plan. [color=f49ac2]“Look at you, shall I call you [i]James Bond?[/i]”[/color] Chuckling softly as she pushed the locks of hair back behind her ear listening as he continued on. [color=f49ac2][i]Okay so the guards patrol the palace, they have emergency cars? What don’t they have? All this technology and sustenance could help so many people thinking on it. Stop it, you’re getting ahead of yourself here.[/i][/color] [color=f49ac2]“Alright, I’m in comfortable clothes today.”[/color] Iris had put on a pair of dark jeans and a dark blouse knowing the light colours would only draw attention, so she opted for the darker colours. [color=f49ac2]“I’ve taken painkillers for my leg; I can just about move on it for a little without needing those crutches, so they won’t hold us back. We will find my ID! I know we will!”[/color] Nodding confidently as she smiled at Cas. [color=f49ac2]“You lead the way though; I will follow you. You know everything far better than I.”[/color]