[b][/b][color=92278f]Time:[/color] 4:55 PM, Monday [color=92278f]Location:[/color] Campus Commons [color=92278f]Interactions:[/color] June [@Zoey Boey] Jin was [b]lost[/b]. It had been[i] years[/i] since Jin had been lost, and frankly, they blamed the school. Jin had known Chicago like their left hand. Every nook and cranny, every old building and soup kitchen. It had been shitty, but comfortable. Shitty and comfy, and most of all, blessedly familiar. Now everything was new and shiny, from their clothing to their dorm room, to their classmates. It was making their head spin, with all the new information, things, and people – people, people, people. They’d never seen so many people in their life in one place, not even at the parking lots where they’d throw on an old Cubs T-shirt and grift the tailgaters for food. This was all too much. With their whole body sweating from nerves inside their brand new bluejeans, binder, and coral pink tee, Jin stayed stuck inside the ebbing flow of the crowd of students. Many of them seemed to know each other already. They watched as the others called out to friends, with hugs and laughter. There were other freshman like Jin, however, looking half-lost and just as awkward as Jin felt. Jin could swear they were getting looks, though. The paper map the school had provided was half-crushed in one hand, and Jin tried desperately to read and walk. [color=92278f][b]“A… aud… auridorm? Audi- autidorim? Fuck.”[/b][/color] The map was hastily shoved into a back pocket, and Jin scanned the crowd for someone who looked like they knew what they were doing. The rose stuck out first, a red beacon in a sea of colors. The brunette woman was smiling big, looking open and pleasant. Jin’s immediate thought was “[color=92278f]patsy[/color]”, but there was no time for those games now. Maybe if they played cute, this woman would take pity. God, this was so not Chicago. [color=92278f][b]“Um. ‘Scuse me.”[/b][/color] Jin approached the woman and yanked the map out of their pocket again. It tore. Damn. What was this word, anyway? [color=92278f][b]“Aud-”[/b][/color]