[quote=@Tatterdemalion] [b]Adila![/b] The gremlins go wild. Their shrieks are ear-piercing as they run back and forth in circles, waving their spears in a very unsafe manner. But you had the right instinct: even though they're eyeless, they can't resist the opportunity to be overdramatic little goofballs, just like their creator. It's taking all of your self-control not to herd them. Down, girl! Stay! Then one, in an intimidating bone-and-feather headress, hops up onto a standing stone and begins a chant. One by one, the gremlins join in: BEEGA BORA! BEEGA BORA! BEEGA BORA! BEEGA BORA YOU FOUR AH! A terrible black spine cuts through the water, the first sign of something very big, given the terrible ripples and the way the water is trembling in its wake. Mimsley is panicking, and once she sees what's coming, she'll probably faint dead away. Your advantage? Your speed, and the fact that Dandy is with you, and the two of you working together can overcome anything. Also, the gremlins are little goofballs that barely come up to your shins.[/quote] Princess Adila relaxed, calmed, centred. She can take everything in stride right now. Easy as pats. Now she's around the left and a snarl leaves her, and now she's around the right with a single firm bark. Excellent posture. Excellent discipline. She's in control of herself and she shares that control with the gremlins, bringing order to their chaos as she snaps and pounces and suddenly dramatically spreads her wings and looms over them. Forwards! Back! Stand up straight! Woof! She then sits back and proudly looks at the rows of gremlins she's herded back into a perfect pike square, an absolute picture of military efficiency. [Rolled a 4]