[b][u][color=red]Kaison[/color][/u][/b] [quote=@ShwiggityShwah] [color=lime]"Well, I matched my name to my quirk... which, well- kind of obvious."[/color] The snapper on her tail made a biting chomp to make the sound. [color=lime]"So I was thinking... Venus Fly Snaps!"[/color] She kind of made a 'Sailor Moon' pose on one leg, her sleeves still hiding her 'hands'[/quote] You can't help but laugh, pleasantly amused. [color=ffffff]"Hahaha. That's so cute!"[/color] From every angle, Venus Fly Snaps is a perfect hero name. It's suitable to her and her quirk without being plain or dull, and it's memorably catchy. [quote=@ShwiggityShwah] [color=lime]"My name is Amelia, but you can call me Amy. What's your quirk? Maybe I can help."[/color] She said, talking fast and trying to be helpful.[/quote] [color=ffffff]"I'm Kaison, and my quirk is Animation."[/color] To demonstrate, you reach into your pocket and bring out a folded-up piece of paper. After straightening it out, a picture of a butterfly is revealed. It's one of your more detailed drawings made in an attempt to pass off as a real (albeit monochrome) butterfly. It promptly begins to lift itself off of the paper and take off, coming to flutter about above Amy. [color=ffffff]"My quirk lets me animate my drawings in both meanings of the word. A name like 'Animator' would be a bit too on-the-nose, wouldn't you say?"[/color] The butterfly eventually comes down to land peacefully on Amy's shoulder.