[centre][h1][color=black][b]Treefall[/b][/color][/h1] [sub]featuring[/sub] [h3][b]Okarzunkaxoxondrom[/b][/h3] [i]the Glorious and Ever-Victorious[/i][/centre] There is a danger, shipmates, that comes with the explosive birth of magicks into the world; one that mayhaps those Vrool of the ancient Deep did not immediately perceive, and one that even that all-perceiving nonfeeler who goes building and saturating all things in some blind and foolish hope of truth mayn't have. But the tree, the tree, ah! the tree did feel, for how was't not to feel what spelt its doom? Of the tree of the ink god's birth let this be known: 'twas not the crashing waves of callous seas that brought it low, ah, no - 'twas not the howling wind; 'twas not a pelting rain, my friend, or gnashing monsters of the deeps. 'Twas a sorcerous ripple, friend, that burst its side and slew its branch and ah! then sent it crashing down. Why then, the ocean all was painted black and every Vrool for miles around knew only ink - and ink, you see, is poison when unleashed in such great quantity. But there was a sorcery to the sea about the hallowed Ku that spared the warring race of Vrool and caused instead their ocean home to be eternally encased in oil; and they themselves - for this reason sorcery and the gods should ever be kept apart! - found that in their form, their brain, there grew any oily sac of blackness. The oceans depths were painted black - for oil, if you must know my friends, is lighter than water; but divine ink can only sink - and so all about the western side of that hallowed Ku stretched out an endless ink expanse; and what was darkness and what was ink a man could only guess. And all those ocean things that witnessed the terrible falling of the tree were coated all of them in ink; but only those sorcerous types came to have power over the darkness that now clawed into their flesh a home. To all of this was the glorious and ever-victorious Okarzunkaxoxondrom witness and party, for by his sorcerous and awakened will was he coated in the ink of gods, and felt he well the growth behind his core brain the oily sac of ink and blackness with which he would now and forevermore paint the cretinous forms of his good-as-dead challengers dark - a worldly darkness that called on them to hark the coming eternal darkness with which the Glorious and Ever-Victorious would acquaint them with. And nay, for this was not all - beneath the gnarled and twisted skin of the almighty Vrool did colour burst and churn; and aye he admitted that for the briefest seconds those colours were beyond his power; but ah! no sooner had he willed then it was within his grasp and power. And he, the Vonu-speaker before whom all wept and wailed, waxed vibrant and cruel, gaze unbending and tendrils spreading and, ah! He waxed mighty indeed! Through the inky depths flowed he, the Glorious and Ever-Victorious, he! and all about slinked out of sight and hissed and spat but dared not steer themselves before - he! 'I, the Glorious!' Breathed the mighty one in hallowed vonu, 'the Ever-Victorious; my tendrils waxen and grow, my vibrant form manifests; my sorcerous will is known to all! All bends before my gaze o-' 'Okarz Rux, what are you mumbling to yourself there?' An immense vrool emerged from the darkness. The infinitesimal Okarz froze in place for what felt like a long period, his many minds clamouring to be heard. 'J-just gathering samples, Xuxa Rux. Who would have thought that that thing was the Hidden Blackgod all along.' A click closer to a cough emanated from him, and Xuxu Rux clicked sagely in agreement. 'Indeed, Okarz Rux. And I am disinclined to be of the view that this case shall be without ramifications of a considerably unfavourable classification.' 'I- uh. I would disagree with your- uh. Assessment of the sit- condition of this state of affairs, Xuxu Rux. The fall of the tree can only be the portent of terrible things to come - even if, in its fall, the Hidden Blackgod has seen to bless us so greatly.' 'But Okarz Rux, you have not, by the nature of what you have spoken to me presently at this very moment, shown any form of disagreement or disinclination towards what I have not long before your speaking spoke. If I may be so bold, Okarz Rux, I would go so far as to say that your words and what I have previously advanced may well be the locus points of two perpendicular formations.' Okarz' many minds assessed the information as he blinked at the massive form of the other vrool. 'You must excuse me, Xuxu Rux, for I believe I have observed a salmon in a south-easterly-downward direction from our current location.' And so saying, the Glorious and Ever Victorious Okarzunkaxoxondrom left behind him another felled foe - the might of his words and his impenetrable logic had laid to waste all of that inferior warlock's protestations and fumblings. Thus was the impossible mind and genius of he! [list][*][hider=Summary]The tree from which Meghzaal was born collapses due to the explosion of magic into the sea. This brings about an inky ecosystem immediately west of Ku. Many creatures living here will now have various ink-related traits, though only the vrool possess ink sacs, allowing them to pump out blasts of ink for various purposes. While most creatures in the region have ink in their skin now, only Warlocks have the ability to control it for camouflage purposes. Okarz makes a return, and we discover that he is now a Warlock. It has done nothing for his size though. He discusses fall fo the tree with a giant warlock, but the words of the other warlock are so impenetrable and abstruse that he swiftly excuses himself on the pretence that he has spotted a salmon.[/hider] [*][hider=Might]- Free: Create a large undersea ink ecosystem, to the west of Ku.[/hider][/list]