Loki looked at the princess, although he made occasional glances at the floor, out of respect. He learned quite well not to look at royalty in the eye, as it was a common rule when in the presence of the nobles, authority, and royalty, no matter the height of the person. Even for those much-shorter than himself, the Jotun kept his eyes glued to the floor, almost paralyzed by the thought of daring. Even when he was in the presence of the girl, he acted, out of desperation. The king himself made that perfectly clear and sure. Slightly fidgeting with his fingers, Loki stayed calm, and awaited for any request that could be possibly made by the princess. Whether it was an instruction, or a direct order. Taking notice of the blonde changing out of the dress that he made for her, he heard the knock from the door. Normally, it would be him immediately answering it for Silena, but out of surprise, she went to the huge golden door to respond. Once more, he put his eyes back on the marble floor, the second she faced him. Knowing what's best, the Jotun moved, and acted of what she asked him, taking his time yet wasted no time.