A crack, break, and crunch. Two kobolds were instantly dispatched by your blows, with the last kick causing the kobold to fall onto his knees. He recovered quickly however and lunged right at you, planning to stick his blade into your chest before Yorik found the strength within himself to intercept the kobold, smashing him into the ground with his flail. He maintained the momentum and turned towards the last kobold as well, smashing into the little beast's arm with his weapon. The creature however was still alive despite the damage and stabbed Yorik right in the gut. "Yorik no!" Pylia commanded her sword to skewer the kobold, just as Shortfang finally dispatched the last kobold as well. Thanks to Dinah's timely distraction, she was able to make the kobold miss his attack just as he turned to flee, and gave Shortfang the opening to knock out the other kobold. Pylia checked on Yorik who was bleeding from multiple wounds. "Those blades were poisoned but it doesn't seem to have any lingering effects. Stay with me Yorik..." Pylia heals some of the orcs wounds as he looks down to his gut. The kobold's blade didn't manage to cut him though, instead it had gotten caught on his belt. "Goddamn, dat kobold nearly got me pant's!" He chuckled heartily as Pylia just sternly glared at him. Buddy went over to Shortfang who was wounded and bleeding against the wall. He used his powers on Shortfang to heal him up a bit as well. "These kobolds... Sewer Dragons. Ones who left." He looks at the blade in his hand before tossing it away. "That one sleeps. We talk to him." He points at the last kobold he had knocked out. Unlike the others who had notable lethal wounds, this kobold only had a blackened eye. And shortly after he says this, a loud thumping noise could be heard in the room. Dinah spots it quickly and meows nearby, and the noise seems to be coming from a large box. Something was underneath. [hider=Rolls and Info] Sylvia (20/27) = 17 Yorik (1/32) = 10 Kobolds (A: Dead) (B: Dead) (C: Dead) (D: Dead) (E: Dead) (F: Dead) (G: Dead) (H: Dead) (I: KO) (J: Dead) = 9 Pylia (31/31) = 8 Shortfang (5/36) | Syfr (1/1) = 7 Buddy (40/40) = 4 Kobold D and Kobold E are defeated! Yorik's Flail Vs Kobold F = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18452]24[/url]/[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18453]15[/url] Flail Damage = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18454]6[/url] Yorik's Flail vs Kobold G = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18455]14[/url]/[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18456]16[/url] Flail Damage = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18457]4[/url] Kobold G Shortsword vs Yorik = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18458]17[/url] Kobold I Shortsword vs Shortfang = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18459]8[/url] Shortfang Attack of Opportunity vs Kobold I = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18460]9[/url]/[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18461]17[/url] Shortsword Damage = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18462]10[/url] Kobold I is defeated! Pylia's Sword of Defiance vs Kobold G = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18463]24[/url] Defiance Damage = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18464]8[/url] Kobold G is defeated! Combat is over! [/hider]