[centre][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/divinus-mk4/images/3/3b/Afc6efa58bae4f9c3be8ed679a7ac131.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/310?cb=20200229065521[/img] [h2]Gibbou[/h2] [/centre] [hr] Of course! How could she have been so stupid?! She had been completely useless down here, causing so much despair and damage without even knowing about it. At least on the Moon, she would be able to keep everything under a watchful eye. Oh! What if… What if she put everything up there to sleep for eternity? Then it would be super easy to keep them safe! Hehehe, oh, Oraelia had been right in the end - she was so smart! Yes, only Oraelia - only her sister knew how hard life could be. Nothing ever went as she hoped it would, but she knew Oraelia would be proud of her for this. Think of the lives saved! The thought made her giddy. She travelled westwards, picking up specimens of all life she saw on the way. She kept them floating safely behind her. In the early evening, she landed in the middle of the village of Fragrance. She was eager to see Adrian and tell him of her plan. She called out, [colour=lightblue]“Adrian? Adrian, I’m back!”[/colour] and prayed she hadn’t been gone for too long. Night elves, awoken by the rudely loud calls, peeked out of their caves and huts with scowls aimed at the moon goddess. "S'up, Toots," Adrian yawned from the mouth of a cave, a long strand of blue hair stuck to his wrinkled shirt and dragging behind him as he approached. Gibbou squealed as she saw him and immediately picked him up. [colour=lightblue]“Oh, Adrian, I’ve missed you so, so, so, soooo much! Have you been alright? Have the night elves been good to you?”[/colour] Out from the cave approached Cilantra, Parslie and Bay among others, all armed with sharpened sticks and stone knives. "For the most part," Adrian leaned to peep behind Gibbou and grimaced at the approaching weapons, "They are a bit superstitious and very much slaves to anxiety." [colour=lightblue]“Heh… Like maker, like, uh… Makees. Say, Adrian, wanna hear about my newest idea? Oh, I think you’re gonna like it!”[/colour] "I bet I will," He blinked, "But, uh, are they gonna like it." He tilted his chin at the armed envoy. On cue, Cilantra opened her mouth in the usual threatening whisper she usually employed: “Moon goddess! You return to us once again, loud and squealing as ever. What do you say in your defense for the crime of breaking the Great Peace again?” Parslie and Bay folded their arms behind her and scowled all the same. Gibbou sighed. [colour=lightblue]“Sorry, sorry, I got so excited, is all!”[/colour] Cilantra and the others motioned for her to lower her voice and Gibbou grimaced. [colour=lightblue]“Sorry. I’ll be gone soon, okay?”[/colour] She looked back down at Adrian. [colour=lightblue]“So… The plan is… You know how I’m supposed to keep all life safe during the night, right?”[/colour] Cilantra and the others, meanwhile, felt awfully ignored. Adrian tucked a knuckle under his chin, "Yeah, I remember that. Whatcha thinkin', Blue?" [colour=lightblue]“So, turns out I suck at that - I let soooo much bad stuff happen without even knowing it. Did you know that the trolls I made are now actively eating people? It’s so awful I want to just stop existing right here and now--!”[/colour] “Wait, trolls that do what?!” came a call from Parslie. “What’s a troll?” Bay added in her confusion. [colour=lightblue]“Please don’t interrupt. Anyway, so I got this great idea, right? Just bring as much life as I can up to the moon, where I can keep it safe forever! C’mon, what do you think? It’s good, right?”[/colour] "The moon, huh?" Adrian scratched the side of his face, "Seems kinda far, doesn't it?" [colour=lightblue]“Indeed! Far away from danger, horrors and, maybe even more importantly, other gods! Don’t worry, though, Adrian - you’ll get a front seat!”[/colour] She placed him on her shoulder and giggled happily to herself. "Well if you think it's a good idea..." Adrian seemed unsure, "We were all just starting to settle." [colour=lightblue]“Don’t worry - where we’re going, you won’t even need to settle!”[/colour] With that, she added all the night elves she could see to the massive cloud above of various animals and mortals she had found along the way. Thanks to the darkness, the cloud had been hard to see, but now that it was visible, the majority of the night elves dove into hiding. Gibbou frowned. [colour=lightblue]“C’mon, people - it’s totally safe! Life here’s pretty dull anyway, right? The moon’s where it’s at!”[/colour] "Well wait!" The majority of Fragrance’s elves managed to escape, but Cilantra, Parslie and Bay were all taken away. To keep him safe, Gibbou also deposited Adrian in the cloud. Later that night, she had circumvented the rest of the world and gathered what animals and mortals she wanted. She then flew upwards through the atmosphere and out into space, bringing all the life she had collected safely with her. She brought them to her precious moon and found her favourite cave. In the blink of an eye, she twisted the stone and dust inside the cave into a great and wonderful barrow with tunnels going deep into the moon’s interior. She giggled to herself and turned to the cloud. [colour=lightblue]“Welcome, all, to your new home - the Hall of the Eclipse! Here, you will all be safe for all eternity.[/colour] [colour=lightblue]You have my word.”[/colour] [hider=SummaREEE!] Gibbou uses her fight money to buy two of every animal on Galbar; then, she herds them onto a boat; and then she beats the crap out of every single one. Just kidding - she does snatch up a few of every species, though, and puts them to sleep forever in her new Hilton Hotel Luna, aka. the Hall of the Eclipse. [/hider] [hider=MP spendage] Gibbou: 1MP/0DP 1MP - Perform godly feat: Levitate thousands of animals and mortals across Galbar and to the moon safely. 2DP, discounted to 0DP with two free titles - Create holy site: [b]The Hall of the Eclipse:[/b] Has the following title: [list] [*] Moonbound II: All non-divine life within this holy site is forever asleep unless awoken by Gibbou. Those asleep will neither age nor die, but they will also never wake up unless Gibbou explicitly awakens them. The holy site also provides breathable air, but non-divine creatures within the site's boundaries can never leave on their own accord. Once that happens, all biological processes will resume. [/list] Gibbou after: 0MP/0DP! [/hider]