[center][h1][b][color=ACA7D3]3[/color][/b][/h1][/center] No! no-no-no-no-no-no-no! Not again. Not now, this wasn’t about to happen. She had just gotten over her last affair, finally, after many months apart, she had at last entered that nice place where she no longer had him on her mind every moment of every damn day – and there was no way in Dahla’s wisdom that she was about to let some new eccentric and handsome madman derail her sanity like some wobbly mining cart. Okay, she may have been overreacting, just a bit, she thought. After all, he did only turn up her door, said hello, requested they do some business. But he was an eccentric. An eccentric madman! Surely he was! But why did he have to be so handsome? And nice, nice too? Oh, my lord, and that smile, that smile melted here heart a little more each time it flashed through her mind – why do all the maniacs have to be so attractive? Why? Just [i]why[/i]? She paced the shop, the first aisle, then the second, then the first, then the second and so on and so forth, every detail of her brief encounter with Jack racing on a loop through her mind. ‘And what sort name is that - Jack??” she yelled, then suddenly stopped in her tracks and covered her mouth when she realised that - if he hadn’t yet left the front landing - he would have heard her. She paused to steady her breathing then peeked around the corner of a shop display to see if he was still at the door. The daylight spilling in under the crack of the door was broken at the center from his shadow. He was still there…. ‘He heard me….’ She whined. ‘Why won’t you leave? Leave. Please just [i]go[/i]’ [i][b]‘Please stay,’[/b][/i] a little voice in her head replied. She almost choked on her own breath, horrified. ‘Don’t you [i]dare[/i] get involved with this!’