[hider][img]https://scontent-dfw5-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/42068991_1109943599182201_2545811390931182093_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=101&_nc_ohc=G-1ad-c1G7EAX9r02K4&se=7&oh=1a339509addccbf16ee78b544c6f0ddd&oe=5EB1CBE9[/img][/hider] [u]Name[/u] Nathalie “Nat” Soltero [u]Age[/u] 27 [u]Skills[/u] - Stealth; being barely 5’3” on a good day helps a lot when trying to sneak past undetected. - Climbing; one of Nathalie’s favorite hobbies was rock climbing with her friends, whether it was in the outdoors or in a gym. [u]Preferred Weapons[/u] - Gator Machete 19” - 9mm Berretta [u]Personality[/u] Nathalie is a very reserved and cautious woman. Although her inner self wants to be optimistic and find the bright side in every situation, she has to continuously stop herself and tell herself to think realistically. Not being able to get in contact with her family and not knowing what happened with her little sisters eats away at her mental well being little by little. At times, it seems to overwhelm her, and the panic starts to set in. She is a very family oriented and being around other people can give her a bit of that feeling, although being alone doesn’t bother her anymore as it gives her time to try and figure out what her next steps are without having to worry about anyone else. [u]Brief Bio[/u] Born in Chula Vista, California, Nathalie is the eldest of three girls. Her younger sisters are 16 and 14 and the three of them were unbelievably close before Nat left to college. FaceTime soon became their best friend as Nat pursued her education further on into her Master’s. Finding a job became all too easy and Nat fell into the typical 9-5 job before she knew it, unfortunately having to break it to her family that she would not be returning until the completion of her education and finding a transfer for her job. She kept a small group of close friends, choosing not to stray from the usual, and chose not to date. She led a simple life and wished for nothing more until the outbreak happened. [/center]