[center][h1][color=violet][b][u]Cadien[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Cadien stared up at the night sky with something akin to awe. The moon he had created so long ago was beginning to overlap with the source of its original inspiration. This was a rare occurrence, he realized, and one he needed to observe. It was beautiful - the bright purple of the smaller moon contrasting the pale white of the original, which seemed to surround the purple moon almost like a ring. He could see his dragon, Zulross, resting in a crater on the moon’s surface, and felt a brief sense of regret, but the dragon had chosen to stay. He pushed the feeling aside. He would visit the dragon later. Instead he continued to admire his own creation, wondering what Gibbou might think of how it looked now. Would she too enjoy it? Or would she be frustrated that it was blocking her own? If she [i]was[/i] frustrated… well, her moon wasn’t fully obscured, and it would only be for a few minutes. She would live. It was so beautiful, and so rare, that he felt some sort of event had to happen to mark this occasion. He thought for a moment, and then an idea came to him. He raised his palm to the sky, and a beam of energy shot upward, consecrating his moon. [hr] [hider=Summary] Cadien and Gibbou’s moon align. Cadien is like: “Hey, this is pretty neat.” Since it’s a rare occurrence he decides it should have a cool effect, so he consecrates it. [/hider] [hider=MP Summary] -Mending Eclipse II (2MP discounted to 0 via glamour portfolio): Cadien's moon is now a holy site. When it enters a perfect alignment with Gibbou's moon (one night every eight to sixteen years), the natural freshwaters of Galbar are blessed. Anyone who happens to be bathing in a natural pond, lake, or river when the two moons align will find that the water is suddenly able to wash away all exterior disfigurements or blemishes that it touches. Scars, acne, rashes, sores... all fade away, provided they aren’t self-inflicted. They are not gone forever, however: you must still care for your body in order to prevent the same maladies from returning. [/hider]