[quote=@PKMNB0Y] Yeah, the problem afterwards is opening in bulk. Single packs are slow and can have pretty... Sad rewards. Like, imagine rolling 24 supers in a row when box ratios have 4 ultras and 2 secrets. That's depression incarnate, given how TCG loves their rarity bumps. Then you have the big money reprint sets (DUDE, DUOL, DUPO, Mega-Tins), which is... Again, a whole 'nother can of worms. I'm interested in the logistics of the system, but it is something to consider (because I can totally see people splitting boxes or cases). [/quote] I'm going to be honest, if I do put in a progression system it won't be much like opening packs IRL. I'd probably leave luck out of it altogether. Another problem is that if I make this too "game-ey" I'll essentially just be making the same mistakes I did back in Duel Tower, where half the crowd was trying to meta the system and build a high-tier deck while the other half was actually in it for the goofy stuff. Again, my focus for the RP is [i]not[/i] the actual card game. It's just a vessel for the combat. Like, let me pull out Vrains for a bit here, 'cause I hate Vrains. It tried to make its duels more realistic by having people shit out their extra like there's no tomorrow, have crazy long combos, and generally produce incredible boardstates. This was the most boring thing to watch as it felt like no duelist had an identity or style of their own, and only tried to play 'optimally' while still somehow messing up half the combos that would've actually ended the duel on that turn. GX is my personal favorite when it comes to the raw number of "good duels" in it, and GX rarely ever had a combo last more beyond "I play three cards and end my turn". Of course that doesn't mean there weren't some absolute ass-blast turns in there as well, but I like the slower and more methodical approach. Yes, I know this has little to do with opening packs. Still felt like I needed to put it on the table.