[quote=@PKMNB0Y] For what it's worth, VRAINS also gave us the only protagonist with the dubious honor of getting his ace monster on the banlist (lol Firewall), so, uh... Yeah. That said, even 5Ds had some crazy stuff; Yusei was basically running Junk Doppel by the end of 5Ds, for example. Arc-V had Yuya pulling off Performage shenanigans like nothing else, iirc. [/quote] Not quite. Yusei's strategy mostly came down to "Summon Stardust dragon, pass" rather than vomiting out a board of synchros. Even in the final duel against Jack, when he pulled off his craziest combo in the show, it was only to pump up Junk Warrior's ATK through a bunch of low-level monsters getting their attack boosted. The turn mainly consisted of him getting level 2 or lowers on the field and then pull of a single synchro for a single attack; Yusei rarely summoned more than a single monster at any point. This is mostly consistent throughout every show, except for Arc-V and Vrains. Even in Arc-V, most people just sat on their singular boss monster and very few actually multi-summoned. Yuya's deck got reduced to "Dark Rebellion turbo" beyond a point, and only rarely did he summon 2 or more bosses in a turn. Even in situations where he did, they had to invent cheat cards to let him do it so they wouldn't bog down the duel too much (See: Odd-Eyes Fusion Gate, Odd-Eyes Synchro Gate and Odd-Eyes Xyz Gate) The *one* duelist in all of Arc-V who was a consistent multi-summon monster was Reiji. The guy also barely dueled, and when he did, he won or got closer to winning than anyone else could have. The man was built up as a very real threat. [quote=@PKMNB0Y] Regarding progression: I mean, if you limit pack availability, I think it becomes possible to progress that way? If you take the Satellite-esque path, that's an... Option, but I'm not sure what direction you want to take that because of the emphasis on Synchro + Speed duels. [/quote] Yeah, but if I limit you to only the trash pack, and you chain pull trash, then it doesn't help matters. It's essentially a snowball effect where the strong stay on top, and I'd rather not. As for the synchro and Turbo/Riding duel focus; It doesn't have to be. Just because 5D's is associated with it, doesn't mean we have to copy it verbatum. I love my turbo duels, but whether or not I include them is entirely dependant on if players want them in there. Even then, Arc-V had a watered down version and people were Xyz and Pendulum summoning just fine through it. And also, you forget that I'm your not-so-benevolent dictator and will absolutely breathe down your neck if you dare to play a card at a x3 ratio for any reason other than "it summons itself from the deck when destroyed by battle so I need a few"