When traveling, it’s always important to be aware of your surroundings. The war between the Veteris Empire and the Novus Alliance brought many things, both innovations and disasters. Many people were raised up from their lowly stations by profiteering off of the war while many more were turned to the dark side due to the death and destruction that follows any mass conflict. Orchid thought she knew this and was ready for it, but her naivety was shown that night when she kept watch, and fell afoul with the ambush. There was much she could have done to avoid that mess, but now was not the time to regret what could-have, and focus on what she needs to do. When Orchid was fully awaken the first thing she noticed was her lack of equipment. She was stripped down to only her plain clothes, no weapons, armor, or other supplies. The rest were awoken as well, and one was loudly threatening harm for those who captured them. Orchid agreed: whoever captured them will certainly be sorry. Or dead. [color=firebrick]"Hey Angus, you ain't gunna kill much with your bare hands. Take this until you find your sword."[/color] Orchid summoned her Glaive to her hand, tossing it over to Angus so he would have a weapon. Orchid would join him later once she figured some things out. First Orchid needed to assess the current situation. She has been captured in a cell, along with Angus and the other members of the caravan she was guarding. While Angus can no doubt force his way through the doors, they would need more help if they planned to fight their way out of whatever dungeon they're in. First they should try and free the others, and than figure out how to properly liberate themselves from this disaster. Orchcid had an idea how to escape that doesn’t rely solely on brute force though shell resort to it if push comes to shove. She goes to her cell door and examined the lock, trying to get a look inside. [color=firebrick]“Hope these locks are cheap...”[/color] Once she gets a decent idea of the internal workings of the lock, Orchid would use her Prestidigitation spell to create a skeleton key and try to open it. If the first key doesn’t work, she’ll just keep changing types of keys until one opens, but hopefully she guessed right the first time. [hider=Rolls and Information] Percpetion - [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/18522]21[/url] [/hider]