[quote=@Kaggs] So yeah, look at us all waiting for somthin we can respond to. I think we gotta decide if we use ante, and if there are special cards. Those are gonna affect what kind of story this'll be, probably. I'm staying as a hard no against both of those options, I don't really see them as fun and giving up your cards from a duel seems like an incentive to cheat, or at least be salty if you lose [/quote] I mean, "special cards" is a bit of a series staple. It just depends on what form they take. Even in Vrains, having a "cyberse deck" was a big deal, as it meant you were directly linked to one of the Ignis ans thus actually got to do something in the plot. Otherwise we have the Dimension Dragons, Numbers, Signer Dragons, Sacred Beasts and God cards just to name a few, not to mention the "not quite one-in-a-kind but still extremely rare" option of Kaiba's Blue-Eyes or Ryo's Cyber Dragons. Even Arc-V treated an extra deck monster of any kind as a sign of what kind of background you had, and 5D's had synchro's be a status symbol of some renown. What I was mainly asking at the start was if everyone wanted something unique to just them, and I've only seen a "no" on that front. There's absolutely still going to be a way for me to prop up specific cards in the story even without that, though. On the ante thing: Already dropped that.