[center][h3]Unknown Foe x 4 | Init: 19[/h3] [color=f7941d]Human Foe A[/color] | [color=2e8b57]Healthy[/color] [color=f7941d]Half-Elf Foe[/color] | [color=2e8b57]Healthy[/color] [color=f7941d]Human Foe B[/color] | [color=2e8b57]Healthy[/color] [color=f7941d]Halfling Foe[/color] | [color=2e8b57]Healthy[/color][/center] Human Foe A backs up, his eyes reflecting the fires of the night. Moving behind the cart so that it shields his body, he takes aim at... something? The arrow whistles into the sky. not to the keep or the road leading to it, but the air between it. Francesca Bourreau takes three points of piercing damage! Half-Elf Foe takes a glance at the kobold that approaches them, and it points. They turn, and keeping themselves out of the sight of the strange attacker, move to the far wall. Human Foe B, still prone, crawls closer to Human Foe A. Halfling Foe flinches as a pink streak of light flashes above them, but it does not hit them. No, it instead kills Kobold E, who had tried to hide in the shadow of a doorway.