[quote=@Ammokkx] I'm going to get there eventually whether people want me to or not, dw about it bby. [/quote] Scaling up over time might be nice. Starting with the stakes high would make it hard for growth. But, to address my thoughts on the RP and to try and synthesize my thoughts on a few points that have been brought up, I do think starting in a place where decks are getting built up would be great. It would be fun to have to RP the whole process of not only opening a random pack of cards, but having to trade and barter with other people to get the cards you need to make your deck better. The only thing I see as a potential obstacle is just being bogged down with cards that you don't need if you're playing a highly customized or specific deck. An idea that I'd like to toss out and might help in some way: as part of people applying as a character, have people make a base deck and then include a list of cards for building the deck down the line. It allows people to start out with the base cards they might need to play a specific character that would fit into the universe (like, for example, the idea of having a character who works on duel runners and/or duel disks as a mechanic and also uses a gadget or machina deck) from the beginning with only room to improve over time. Then, with opening packs, it could be that there is a certain percentage chance that one of the cards in the pack is one that you specified for your deck later, or that you have to buy a more expensive pack that guarantees one or two cards that you specified from character creation to improve the deck. If you went this route, you can even have people updating their lists of cards down the line in stages over the course of the RP, or have it tiered off. People's "unique" card can be changed at key points within the RP as sort of upgrades, so that decks don't remain stagnant or focused on static card types.