She would have preferred something with meat, but Western pastries and coffee suited her just fine. A danish and coffee with cream and no sugar perked Dragoon right up, and she looked at the pod she'd be dumped in with mild interest. Some sort of VR brain tech, huh? Shit, they never had anything like this in the military. The perks of private sector work were looking better and better by the minute. Maybe they'd even have an MRE that wasn't dog food. As they materialized in the simulation, Dragoon hefted her spear onto her shoulders, glancing around and taking stock of the situation. Asset protection in an urban environment? Fine by her. If whoever was running this simulation had a brain, there'd be enemies coming out of the woodwork at every bad angle possible as they made their way through it. As the rest began to strategize, the Lung woman took her options into consideration, only piping up when her opinion was asked. [b]"Eh? I'm mobile enough to scout, yeah. Could probably make a few hops up top. Old man's got the right idea, too. Straight up the center'd be suicide, and going around the outskirts's got too many chances for us to get made. I'd say get a scouting run first, see what the OpFor's like, then go from there."[/b]