[right][h3][color=c1cdcd]Raine Provostus[/color][/h3][/right] [color=gray][indent]Raine continued his next few steps toward the elevator as the other two members of the trio tried to bring themselves to their senses. At least until he drew closer and stopped, at Adelicia’s behest. He mentally paused - she thought [i]he[/i] was going to hurt her. It was not a new feeling for him; his reputation as ex-Harrow preceded him, even if he didn’t talk much about it - but in the moment it has caused him to pause. He’d just saved her, but- The words repeated themselves in his head. “Please don’t kill me.” It’d been a while since he’d felt a chill run up his spine. His cold eyes moved to hers - but, noticing her gaze was elsewhere, he followed it to the equally-as-cold weapon in his hand, held down to his side. The dark crimson lifeblood slowly dripping from it and quietly spattering onto the cobble below. His grip shifted slightly and the sound of metal shifting against metal could be heard in the silence after his companions’ words - a heavy drop of beast blood now flicking up to spatter on his shirt. His gaze rose again as his other hand moved to his lower back, tucking in his firearm somewhere behind him. [color=C1cdcd]“I’m not going to kill you.”[/color] He said as he turned back his right shoulder and faced away from the lift again. [color=C1cdcd]“As Hunter Victor said -- we are protecting you.”[/color] He began walking away, deliberate steps in the direction they’d previously been headed. He supposed he couldn’t blame Adelicia. He was a Hunter - a killer. A beast prone to bloodthirst. She was naturally desirable - and vulnerable - to such a beast. The truth was, he couldn’t smell the scent of the Saint as he walked away. When he found himself a couple dozen feet away, he let out a weary breath, allowing his lungs to fill with air once again. [color=C1cdcd]“We’ll have to expedite our movement. Beasts will have heard the gunshots.”[/color] [/indent][/color] [hr][center][color=c1cdcd]Victor, Adelicia[/color][/center]