[@tobiax] My idea is for a character who gives the impression of an entitled jerkoff due to his upbringing. Many in his family pursued careers in the legal field, most notably his father who is a Prosecutor. As such the guy was expected, if not outright pressured, to major in the same field, something that's fairly typical in Japanese culture. Truth is, he has no passion whatsoever for law, only pursuing because that was what was expected of him. In school played Soccer used that as a sort of outlet for venting his frustration and thus gained the reputation for being this strong-but-also-agressive-and-ruthless player. His Crest will be sincerity, ultimately forcing him to confront the fact that he's been putting on a front all these years and the only way forward is let his true self shine through. So basically using the Crest of Sincerity as an allegory for someone who's been lying themselves for years about who they want to be and needing to confront that fact and actually be honest about what they really want to do their life.