[center][h1][color=LightYellow][b][u]Banished and Trapped[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] Iternis was alone when he felt it coming. He had been walking through the terrible crags of the southern pole, not a single soul to see him as he wandered the ever changing lands. He knew Toog was looking for him, or at least he hoped. He also hoped that the dog had moved on, living a full life like he wanted and not continuing to bind himself to Iternis. Regardless of how Toog was faring, Iternis had felt it coming. He guessed that most of the other gods would be caught unawares, but there was no way that the force he had always dreaded would escape his senses. He could feel, in his very being, the Lifeblood preparing to descend on the world. There wasn’t much he could do about it, either the Lifeblood would destroy Galbar or it would destroy him. Iternis didn’t know what he would do given either outcome. If he was destroyed, what would happen? Thaa would also be destroyed, so who would guide his soul? Did gods even have souls? And if Galbar were destroyed, what would he have to live for then? Iternis fell to a kneel on the ground and tried to make his presence as small as possible, hoping that maybe the Lifeblood will somehow overlook him. It hit like a tidal wave. The power of the Lifeblood crashed over Galbar, pounding against Iternis’s very being, drawing him in and destroying his connection to Galbar. This was it, this was his end. [hr] All in all, Iternis found not-existing very strange because, as it seemed, he was still existing. Iternis looked around and found himself suspended in an infinite dark void. Given that he was still thinking, despite the lack of a surrounding, he figured the Lifeblood hadn’t snuffed him out of existence and instead had done something else. Iternis let out a burst of energy, one that flowed much more freely that it did on Galbar, and created a tiny sapling which floated through the endless space. Well, at least he still had his powers. Thinking he had just been teleported extremely far away, Iternis closed his eyes and tried to navigate back to the planet. He pictured the planet in his mind's eye with ease and, raising his hand to open a portal, took a step forward, heading back home. Before his foot could even cross the threshold, Iternis was doubled over in pain. He felt the crashing sensation booming over him again and again, the Lifeblood assaulting his very being for trying to step onto Galbar. Iternis was launched from the portal, all of his energy being sapped by the Lifeblood. The gateway fizzled out of reality like a door being slammed in his face. The reality set in. He was trapped. Iternis hovered in place, feeling like the endless void was a series of walls, closing in. He could still see Galbar, he could see it changing, Toog having to go on without him, but he couldn’t do anything! He couldn’t even see any of the other gods, so he knew there was no way back. The other gods. What if they were trapped like him? Could he reach them? First, Iternis tracked down the sapling he had made and then summoned a plot of dirt for it to grow in. He made sure the Sapling would grow in size each year that passed on Galbar, so he would know exactly how long it was taking him, then he set to work. He started by trying to find Fe’ris or Yamat, two gods he had met before, to try and contact them. When the tree grew larger than a mountain, he gave up and tried for Oraelia, Gibbou,Boris, any being he had ever felt a whiff of power for. He toiled on and on, working against reality and fighting the Lifeblood. The tree grew until it was bigger than the Tree of Genesis. Desperately, he tried to tear holes in space but was only met with the same prison void. The tree was so large it stretched on beyond sight in both directions. Iternis tried to shape his own land, a pale imitation of Galbar, around the trunk of the tree in the hopes that it would release some spark that would allow his escape. The tree grew on. After two thousand years that felt like ten million, Iternis found it. He didn’t even make it, only stumbled upon it in his efforts. It was a portal, a tear in space that led away from the space that had held the god for so long. The portal was miniscule, barely larger than two atoms pushed together, but nothing could escape Iternis’s gaze in his realm. The god threw himself against the portal with all his might, forcing the tear to widen. Iternis forced the tiny spec larger and large until he could get his hands through it. Ge gripped the tear in reality with all his might. He had to get out, he needed to get out. To see someone else, anything else. Iternis flung his arms apart, widening the tear in space and tumbled forward into Antiquity. [hider=summary] Iternis is not having what you would call a grand ol’ time. He really loved being on galbar and is really hurt about not being able to go back after the Lifeblood eats him. He desperately spends the whole 2,000 years trying to find a way to contact the other gods, feeling every minute of it in real time. Finally, he finds a miniscule portal, no larger than two atoms pushed together, which he forces open to finally escape his void and into Antiquity. [/hider]