[@Starboard Watch][@Scallop][@malmshodes] Hello! Thank you for showing interest. [hr] [quote=@BigPapaBelial] Is knowledge on the SCP universe a must? I'm interested I just don't know alot about the SCP universe. [/quote] Yes it is but no worries. Everything you might need to know is [url=http://www.scp-wiki.net/goc-hub-page]here[/url]. If you need to ask anything else, just forward them at me and I'll send you to the proper resources that have the information that you need. [hr] [quote=@Sanity43217] [@The Incredible John] Interested. Just a quick question. You mention everyone has a specialised power. What kind of power level were you thinking? Is combat gonna be more power-based, or are we gonna have to get creative with equipment and tactics? [/quote] You can be as creative with them as possible, so long as your character isn't in godmode. Power levels should be at a moderate. Think someone that the GOC would still consider useful but isn't afraid to put out on the field. [hr] Anywho I'll start working on a proper OCC. I'll get it up in a few days to a week. Depending on how fast I can work. Thanks again and have a wonderful day.