Briefly, Orion felt disturbed at what had just happened. Priestess though she may be, he could understand why the Orthodox faiths found Eskatonics to be mystical and strange. What happened here seemed to be blatant witchery, but then again... could he not say it was just as heretical to be granted his cybernetic eye? She had saved his life in this instance, and he'd not forsake her for his paranoia. "Yes," he agreed, plucking a leaf out of her hair. "But let us rejoin fully when we escape these woods." He threw his shield into the air once Annika was clear, and banged it against the branch. Twice he threw it, and finally the shotgun fell into his strong, waiting hands. Almost as soon as the firearm was in his grip, he began to march. "The Vuldroks were stragglers and scouts. The main force would have attacked Tolth proper, and no doubt they would have been repelled again. But that still leaves a few hundred of them between us and holy civilization, if we're unlucky. Let us pray the forest is too thick for us to be found." He'd seen a better portion of the landscape than the Confessor had when they had plummeted, the strip of forest they were in was, at his guess, about 20 kilometers away from the nearest settlement. If the kept a steady pace, they could be there before nightfall. He'd almost forgotten that it was still early morning. Bold of the Vuldroks to make a night attack. They barely had technology that could match tech level 4, save for what they scavenge. Towering pines and sharp brush covered the landscape, mist covering what little visibility they had left for more than a hundred yards. There were strange clearings like the one they had been in dotting every kilometer or so, as well. Orion's practical mind told him that they had been made from some power grids that had since been removed, but his gut had a different notion. Pagan practices were often performed in such places. He took point, wading through the brush as he would a crowd of hapless commoners; with strength and mastery. Though he made sure to stay close to the Sister. There was an atypical quality to her that he couldn't quite get a beat on, though she likely thought the same as him. He decided to break the silence as he helped her step over a small area of quill-like leaves unharmed. "I confess I'm not used to a Confessor...I didn't mean to grant that pun but it fits my cumbrous thoughts. Do you simply watch me as I slay in the name of the Pancreator, or do you hear my life's confessions?" [@Penny]